CCP Scraps Premier's Annual Press Conference in Break with Tradition

1 year ago

03/04/2024 CNA: For the first time since 1993, China's Premier Li Qiang will not hold a news conference after the close of this year's National People's Congress. The decision came as a surprise, as it's a departure from a longstanding tradition. Media has run stories that this would probably diminish the role the executive can play in interacting and interfacing directly with the international media.
03/04/2024 亚洲新闻台:在今年的年度人大会议闭幕后,中共总理李强将不再举行总理记者会,这是自1993年以来的首次。这一决定令人惊讶,因为它打破了长期以来的惯例。有媒体认为,这可能将削弱行政部门在与国际媒体直接互动和交流方面所能发挥的作用。

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