Amended CBD oil bill unanimously passed by House, one step closer to Gov. Holcomb's desk

7 years ago

The Indiana House unanimously passed an amended version a bill that would legalize CBD oil with low levels of THC.  Senate Bill 52 would legalize CBD oil as long as it has a THC level that is .3 percent or lower. The bill passed the House on Tuesday with a 93-0 vote. The versions will now head to a committee for final approvals.  Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD oil, is derived from marijuana and hemp but lacks the stuff that will get you high. A law passed last year allowed those with a severe form of epilepsy to use the substance. Now lawmakers are going further, following an unexpected crackdown on CBD sales and widespread confusion over whether the product was actually legal. It marks a major shift in policy over a short period of time when it comes to marijuana or marijuana-derived medicine. Similar efforts failed in years past.

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