Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) feels really bad for Perry, Iowa

9 months ago

Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) feels really bad for Perry, Iowa, other places that have murders on a regular basis -- not so much

Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal feels weally, weally bad for the fine people of Perry, Iowa.

She also commented on the George Floyd/Derek Chavin verdict, but refused to comment on whether justice was served in the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

I surmise that she realizes she’s out of her league commenting on guns, as she has no clue how to operate them, but in fact she supports universal background checks, which will lead to a compiling of gunowner lists.

If Latifah Faisal had her way, she would *ATTEMPT* to strip all law-abiding, particularly white, rural (the least violent segment of society) gunowners of their right to defend themselves – just like Kyle Rittenhouse did.

I challenged the vacuous Hobbit Latifah Faisal some months ago to comment on all the murders in Fort Dodge, Iowa as it is one of the few places in Iowa that has a murder problem.

Fort Dodge does not need many murders before its rate starts skyrocketing. Those are acts of violence in her state, but she says nothing. It’s as if she isn’t very bright & only comments on something when the lamestream media begins autistically-commenting on it.

I’ve challenged Latifah Faisal on numerous occasions – since she is worried about people getting murdered – I’ve challenged her to name the murder victims, most of them black in various cities across the U.S. Cities like Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis & Baltimore – all of which have loads of black on black murder.

According to the State of Iowa, from 2016-2022, there were 54 murders in Fort Dodge & Waterloo combined. It’s not Chicago level or Memphis level murderous rampages, but not bad for Iowa.

Hey Latifah Faisal, how come no crocodile tears over murder victims in those cities? Do they not matter enough, are they black enough for you? Speaking of the skin color of murderers & murder victims in those cities, the State of Iowa tells us that from 2016-22, 40 of the 49 murderers where we know the race of the assailant in Waterloo & Fort Dodge were Black. That’s disproportionate isn’t little Hobbit?

Of the victims in Waterloo & Fort Dodge (2016-22), 39 of the 53 victims where we know the race of the victim were Black.

According to the FBI, there were 604 murders in Chicago last year, 287 in Baltimore, 200 in St. Louis City, 308 in Detroit & 387 murders in Los Angeles, just last year.

According to the FBI just last year, 76% of the murderers & 78% of the victims (where we know the race of the victim) in Chicago were Black. In Detroit, more than 96% of the murderers & more than 92% of the murder victims (where we know the race of the victim & assailant) were Black. I could go on, you get the point by now.

In the state of Iowa from 2016-2022, of the 520 murder victims where we know the race of the victim, 42% of the victims were Black & of the 611 murderers where we know the race of the assailant, 50.24% were Black. Iowa is only 4.1% Black, do the math.

You could’ve spent a lot of time posting #crocodiletears #ifeelsobad #blacklivesmatter diatribes over murders in those cities & most of the murderers & murder victims in those cities are young black males. Doesn’t fit the narrative, does it?

The FBI gives Iowa 548 murders 2016-2022, a rate of (2016-22 population = 22,165,187) 2.472 per 100,000. The U.S. rate during that time frame was 5.784 per 100,000. It spiked massively 2020-22. The State of Iowa says we had 530 murders 2016-2022.

Latifah Faisal also said nothing when a carload of lunatics murdered a High School student in a school parking lot down in Des Moines, I would wager it did not get enough media attention, but the skin color of the assailants did not fit her preconceived narrative, so she said nothing.

Lastly, I have a list of almost 200 cities, most of which vote overwhelmingly Democrat & they had a collective murder rate from 2020-22 that was 2.6X HIGHER than the national average.

Murder especially in these United States is concentrated in a few hundred counties, over 2/3 of all counties in 2022 had <2 murders.

Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal is a moron & a grifter who spends way too much time on her little phone googling facts. She has no clue what she’s talking about & follows the antique media pablum like a Pavlovian dog.

So, next time you see Latifah Faisal posting about some violent act somewhere that made the 24/7 news cycle, send her this – here are some other things she could worry about, but will not because it is not politically expedient. She’ll likely block you when you challenge her, she does not deal well w/ dissent. #faisal4story #faisal4storycounty #latifahfaisal

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