Beauty: the Response to Nature -131

11 months ago

The capacity to express the impression of the beauty of what you see is a product of long study and mastery of the visual ‘science.’ Not prettification but a search for the music in the ensemble, the visual impression is the key to understanding the impressionist mind. This video talks about how perceived beauty is a product of, and a vehicle for, truth.

In Response to Antiguos

QUESTION: Would you elaborate as to what is visual impression apart from the visual science, to my understanding an impression would be a moment in time as a photo presents, It is beyond style totally agree....When , in a long pose as a model moves... you can use knowledge... because every 5 minutes it will change, as does sunlight...“...
Sargent understood anatomy ... I don’t think one can ever get to that level of mastery where he indeed elongates and beautifies his sitters, you can have the color, but it will not look right, he painted not what he saw... a painter never does... as Degas said... of the masters..”
...”and Solomon repeated Reynolds words... we can only paint what we know!— when I say I don’t think , is meant , just like a pianist does he think when he plays? Perhaps when he is composing , preparing to play... but then is that music as he plays, he enjoys... maybe when studying and training, but I always try to get to that state of the naive eye, when back as an amateur I was not aware of that which one has to learn, but just the feeling of trying to represent the truth in front of me, a pianist is feeling those sounds, as a painters just feels the color, he isn’t thinking if is right , if he did not follow music theory... he plays with his gut, inner feeling... as one must draw!”


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