my home might be threatened because of subletters

1 year ago

that's right the neighbor behind me who isn't there presently decided to sublet to a bunch of assholes who tried to defy the court and the landlord. the owners of their lot my lot and the lot next to me. in the lot next to me they have a newborn baby. I have lived here in this home for 13 years. I may have fucked up by skipping some rent but I paid my late fees and I'm on time every time as I was this morning. so when I found out that they showed up to court and the judge almost threw his ass in jail I wish they did. the originl renter fucked up the power Tower will you have your electricity meter at he nigger rigged it to a point where it fucking burnt and now has to be replaced by $9,000. so now these subletters are running a generator. the guy who was originally renting the property already left. I've heard so many domestic violence fights and bullshit go on at all hours of the day and night 4:00 a.m. trying to pull a trailer out. screaming and yelling while cooking dinner because the owner got rid of his dogs and put them in a the pound instead of doing like the ones who are not supposed to live there or arranged to have them adopted? they were here two year's ago and they knew it was illegal to sublet then. they knew they should not have been there but they decided to come back and sublet again cuz the fucked hard Damon who was the original renter couldn't pay his bills. that's because the son of your girlfriend who now passed away decided to murder someone because he stole their tools. now the subletter Jr defies a court order and the landlord and the judge was inches and I mean so freaking close to put his ass in jail that I wish he did. because when I paid my rent this morning I found out that the owner of these lots and which are property sits on was so close just as close to Jr was going to jail to being sold. that means all the sudden I have to up and go. I'm not prepared for that. these days who in the hell is? and to get it at the price that I get it at at the size of lot that I have which I'm not going to disclose are the year 2000 type of prices. ain't no way I could even find a lot to hook my own RV up to if I had one. which I don't. plus My neighbor next door who has a newborn they would also get kicked out cuz now the owner wants to sell because he's fuck heads just frustrated her so much that she doesn't even want to own property anymore? so I might have to move because you're fuck retard husband or boyfriend or sack of skin? because he didn't like what he heard when he broke the law and knew so so now I got to pay the price? well in liberal fucking world you do thanks you fucking liberals. so what do I do? I sit out front and I start yelling come here you fuck head come out here and face me like a man I'll hit you like one I will beat your ass into the fucking ground! I charged him and tried jumping over the fence and the pussy backed up! his wife after being confronted with the fact that he cheated on her with some skank meth whore I brought her in the store 2 years ago
was called out by me. she must have known because she sure is held in defend him or act surprised. so I guess she likes being a whore or the wife of one. but they got until 10:00 a.m. Pacific time tomorrow to be out get all your garbage and your crap off that fucking lot and be gone because if you're not at 10:01 I'm calling the cops and anytime after. I see a single head pop up on that property I'm going to be your worst fucking nightmare. no one threatens my home except the owner and although she has done that it's because of a bunch of fuckheads who can't get that shit right can't get a fucking job decide to stay in a fucked up marriage and be the dumb cunt whore wife who doesn't have a clue and say screw everyone else your homemade my problem that's your fucking problem I'll do as I please. then I shall too. so tomorrow if you come home to a pile of rubble and Ash have a clue. someone's not very happy with your decisions because your decisions can affect other people that have nothing to do with your situation. I've already called up my landlord and my management company whom I paid rent to this morning and told them in text and in pictures how I do not appreciate any of this and I have made it clear to those behind me what the fuck will happen if they ever pull that shit on me again. oh hahaha we got to be out of 10:00 a.m. to move your ass quicker cuz otherwise it's all gone bye-bye locked up like Jr's ass should be yeah and I just yelled at them I forgot I was recording! their shit will be a pile of ass cuz I'll be up all night watching and listening with my gun locked and loaded I will shoot anything that comes over that fence and I won't fucking bother asking you any questions. cuz I already know the answer and you lost

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