Thoughts And Conjecture

1 year ago

A video that actually features sound... go figure - I suppose I owe the viewer an explanation for why all of a sudden I seem to be posting several videos without any audio. OK - since two thousand nine I have been filming strange things and creating videos (with Windows Movie Maker) for my youtube channel. After compiling over four hundred (albeit short) videos, I awoke one day to find my channel gone - no explanation given - just gone. Well that happened again a few months ago for the fourth time so I decided to move my stuff elsewhere..Somewhere on a platform where what I put out there will not be deemed a threat and disappear. For some reason, I was unable to include audio for the vast majority of my videos - I have no idea why. That hardly matters now as my laptop that had the aforementioned windows movie maker (where I created some 1600 videos) on it died last month, leaving me no way to create new videos. SO now I am going through a dozen portable hard drives trying to find the videos I had originally posted on youtube... hence the older dates. Thanks -

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