Action Radio 3/5/24, At What Age Do Free Speech Rights Begin?

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I know this is "Super Tuesday," and the results we all know will be announced tonight. I know there are a ton of things in the news to talk about. But we are neither a news service, nor a talk show, we are a citizen legislature, and as such, all topics, ok most topics, in some way relate to freedom and prosperity.

One of the questions I had before I turned 18 was why I didn't have free speech rights. I had opinions in high school and junior high. I wrote position papers. I wrote Letters to the Editor which were published. I was already political. But the schools said that we had no free speech rights as we were minors, and the school was in charge. This never seemed fair to me.

So let's ask the question, at what point do people under 18 have free speech rights?


Action Radio Show Schedule: AM Central Time -- Tuesday:
7:00 - Government Inquiry, with Breanna Cannon.
8:00 - The Latina Report, with Josie Cossey.
9:00 - Special Guest Mark Mix, Right to Work States and Laws.

* After the show these times convert to the first hour, second hour, and third hour, of the podcast.


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