CHRIST's FIRST Miracle Turn Water Into Wine Cerimony Video & Detailed Teaching

1 year ago

Smashing Spiritual Hypocrisy..
Video Clip depiction of wedding ceremony where Christ performed his first miracle. The look on his mother Mary's Face as it happens beams: "Now I KNOW WHY I had an Immaculate Conception !!"
Followed by the detailed teaching of Rood The Baptist Rabbi & Chronological Gospels writer who pulls the Talmudic phaisaical rug out from under those orthodox jews, making them go nuts over it. Every one of Christ's miracles violated the rules of talmudic pharisism.

AND! People throughout the southern Bible belt NOW tell everyone they will go to hell if they consume wine or a mixed drink. YET the FIRST miracle in the bible they carry around and preach from IS the making of WINE by the hands and Power of God in Son The Christ for a wedding ceremony !!
How Hypocritical is that ?? !!!
Cuxian Churches a nation full right now.

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