Evo 9 Returns, But What Else?...| GT7 1.43 February Update Review | Gran Turismo 7

1 year ago

Now that I'm back in the UK, its time to lay down my thoughts on Gran Turismo 7's 1.43 February Update/Patch, which of course brought the 2006 Mitsubishi Evo IX (9), 1985 Renault 4 GTL, Audi TTS Coupe and the ability to now buy the Bulgari Vision GT car. But with no circuit to join them yet again, it does feel like something of a Walkers crisp packet when it comes to updates - 90% air.

A handful of engine swaps, a couple of new events, no weekly challenges (for the moment at least) and a new scapes location (oooh steady my beating heart) makes this likely a favourite update for only the Evo fans among us...

With that in mind here are my thoughts and first impressions of the GT7 February update, and I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below - are you disappointed with 1.43, happy, or just indifferent?


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