Levin Has A Question For Nikki Haley And Her Supporters

11 months ago

“I have a question for Nikki Haley and her supporters, the RINOs of the ruling class establishment Republicans and others. Knowing what Joe Biden is doing to this country, how can you continue to try and undermine the obvious nominee of the Republican Party, Donald Trump who is the only one who is going to be able to run in the general election to take on Joe Biden. Joe Biden has now sided with the Islamists. He has sided with the with a Marxists, the Bernie Sanders types. He has created unbelievable slavery and hardship and inhumanity on the southern border. Inflation is out of control. Our military is underfunded, our police forces are defunded. Crime is rampant. Food prices, energy prices are unbelievable. The nation is suffering. We are at the brink. It's time to stop your petty politics. It's time to stop your chest beating and patting yourselves on the head about how righteous you are. We need your help, and we need to defeat Biden and everything he and his party stand for.”

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