Grand Treaties Are No More As Russia and China Increase Sabre Rattling | The Rob Maness Show EP 311

11 months ago

“The era of Grand Treaties from the Cold War is over - get over it and start acting like it. Treaties only work when there is credible deterrence and a willingness to inflict cost for a party failing to adhere to the treaty.” In fact, The United States abandoned the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces, or INF, treaty after we watched Russia cheated on it a gazillion times, resulting in the re-activation of the nuclear Tomahawk Cruise Missile program in this year’s Defense Authorization Act. With this apparent Russia space nukes issue, we should be prepared to exit the International Space treaty of 1967, but will we? Do we have a credible deterrent to keep that treaty viable? Will our idealistic State Department personnel even consider the idea of abandoning these grand treaties all together? With China continuing its long strategy of re-uniting Taiwan with the mainland, will the Communists keep their treaty obligations or should we just expect that they will not? With the CCP’s continuing aggressive military behavior toward Taiwan confidence in treaties is these days shouldn’t be very high. My guest today has quite a bit to discuss with us about these issues and more. Colonel (Ret.) John Mills is a national security professional with service in five eras: Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on Terror, World in Chaos – and now, Great Power Showdown and the fight to save our Republic. He is the former Director of Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs at the Department of Defense. John is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and has authored two books, including his latest, The War Against The Deep State.

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