Mentions You @ Power To Triumph || You & I Are Servants, God Is the Master Builder || March 1, 2024.

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Mentions You @ Power To Triumph || You & I Are Servants, God Is the Master Builder || March 1, 2024.
Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on February 29, 2024

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Word 1
Paul's Solutions For The Church At Corinth - Divided, Defiled, & Defamed. || 1 Cor. 3:5-9
• 1 Cor. 3:5-7 Paul calls himself and Apollos just “servants” through whom the Corinthians became believers. Thankfully they didn’t come to faith in Apollos or Paul, was it? It was a belief in God, was it not? Every servant had his own part in the work that God had done in the hearts of the Corinthians. Apparently God uses other Believers to bring others to salvation, including myself too. You will always be grateful to those people and that is a good thing. But be careful not to give them the glory for your salvation. The real servant of God doesn’t like it when people glorify him. He will want to give all tribute, honor and glory to God alone, for He finally has given the increase. That’s how Paul message here.

Word 2
Paul's Solutions For The Church At Corinth - Divided, Defiled, & Defamed. || 1 Cor. 3:5-9
• 1 Cor. 3:8 Every believer, including you, is a servant. A servant is somebody who receives orders from a person in charge. There is somebody above him. God is above all His servants and He orders each servant what he has got to do. It is all about His work and all servants are to be aware of that. If everyone is focused on his own concern, nothing of God’s work will be done. The servants are to be united. They should not work against one another nor should they be willing to have their own supporters, but they should want to cooperate, work together.

Word 3
Paul's Solutions For The Church At Corinth - Divided, Defiled, & Defamed. || 1 Cor. 3:5-9
• 1 Cor. 3:9 The unity in the service for God is important. God will know how to reward everyone according to his conduct therein. When it says that we are “God’s” fellow workers, it means that we are fellow workers with one another and that we together are servants of God. It doesn’t mean that you are doing a certain task together with God. No, He is above you and together with other servants you can be busy for Him. A ‘field’ is an area on which the worker is busy with the intention to harvest fruit from it. God very much wants to receive fruit. What Paul is saying here, is that the believers in Corinth together are the field. That applies also for all places where believers gather. God’s building is also about the believers as one whole. They form together God’s building. When you think of a building, you think of dwelling. God dwells in the church. Remember that God lives in us.

Personal Supplication
Father, as Your temple, help me maintain my body as a living sacrifice that You can use and dwell in in Jesus' name! 1 Cor 6:19
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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