Living in the House He Built | Galatians 2:17-18

11 months ago

But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we too were found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? Certainly not! For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor. — Galatians 2:17-18

CALL OUT: Call out today to all the Leaders from Forged, our leadership training event in Florida. What a powerful group of men's leaders.

The point of this text is so simple and yet so profound.

Paul is saying that it is not my work that matters. It's Jesus's work. I tried my hand at building my life. It didn't work. All my work (the best of it and the worst of it) had to be torn down so that Jesus could build something new in me. He's the master carpenter. He always has been. I am not. I am merely the work of his hands. Therefore, my job is not rebuilding my life. It is living in the house he has already built. In addition, it's now living in this house with His Spirit, enjoying the work he has accomplished in me.

Too many believers accept Jesus and return to the same old patterns. A justified man who behaves like an unjustified man is exerting useless energy. They have failed to see the point of justification, and rather than enjoying the justifying work of Jesus, they work to add their justification to Jesus' work because they are failing to let him be Lord and Savior.

This is the point Paul is making about the Judaizers. They are teaching a Gospel of addition to Jesus's work, which is no Gospel at all. It's a man trying to play God.

So don't play God today. Enjoy the justification of Jesus. Live by faith. Keep in step with the Spirit. Let others see the power of a life justified by Jesus Christ.

#JustificationByFaith #ChristCenteredLife #LivingInHisWork #SpiritLedLiving #NoSelfJustification


How can we actively surrender our own efforts to rebuild our lives and instead embrace the work of Jesus in our daily walk?
In what areas of our lives are we prone to revert to self-justification rather than trusting in the justification provided by Jesus? How can we shift our focus to living in the freedom of His grace?
DO THIS: Enjoy the house Jesus built.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to fully surrender my efforts to rebuild my life and to embrace the work you have already accomplished in me through Jesus Christ. Grant me the strength to walk in faith, keeping in step with your Spirit, and to reflect your justifying grace to those around me. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Build My Life.

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