Esther Song

1 year ago

In the Biblical book of Esther,  Esther providentially and strategically became Queen Esther in order to save her people, the Jews, from extinction. She did not realize the weightiness of what she had been ‘called’ to do when she became queen.  Her Uncle Mordecai told Esther that if she remained silent ‘at this time’ not to think that she would escape death. 

In a striking modern-day parallel, the Supreme Court of the United States is poised as a ‘prophetic Queen Esther’ brought into the kingdom (their positions) for such a TIME as THIS in our beloved nation.  There are spiritual, political, globalist forces from within and without whose plan is to destroy America by controlling it with evil, unconstitutional, lawless policies, stealing elections, and taking away individual American freedoms. 

Our nine Supreme Court Justices have a responsibility before Almighty God, the God of Justice not to give in to fear. That they not attempt to preserve their own lives, falsely thinking that they have the power to ‘save’ their own lives if they choose compromise (which is treasonous behavior). They are defrauding the American people, by wrongly deciding cases that are NOW on their docket (as well as future cases soon coming up) which have national impact on America’s freedom.  We have seen that our Supreme Court in recent days have tended to make more and more ‘right’ decisions that line up with the original intent of our U.S. Constitution.  Each justice MUST choose to walk in the fear of the Lord and hate all evil, and pursue true justice, even if it means losing their lives. Will you rise up and be Queen Esther and save America from destruction as a nation?  The power of life and death is before you - choose LIFE, choose TRUTH, choose TRUE JUSTICE, choose for AMERICA TO LIVE and NOT die, choose the FEAR OF THE LORD! 

We are lovingly praying for our Supreme Court Justices and depending on them to do the right thing.

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