Kindness: The Fifth Stoic Virtue?

7 months ago

There is a common misconception that Stoicism is a philosophy rooted in being devoid of emotion and cold-hearted. In this week’s episode, tune in as we debunk this myth and instead propel toward the truth about Stoicism: everything stems from love and kindness. As Marcus Aurelius says, “Man is born for deeds of kindness.” This week's episode is built around the teachings of the Stoics that reveal several truths about kindness. We argue that the root of good character itself is kindness, and we also discuss the importance of kindness concerning all four cardinal stoic virtues.

Additionally, we have some exciting updates for the upcoming year! First and foremost, we are now officially streaming our podcast on Rumble. Be sure to check us out there if you haven't already. We have also added TWO individual stoic readings weekly, but ONLY on our audio streaming services.

Follow us on all platforms for updates and engagement opportunities, see the show behind the scenes, and join the Gen Z Stoic community. Thank you for listening. ⁠⁠

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