Understanding the Dangers of the New Apostolic Reformation with Dawain Atkinson

1 year ago

On today’s Equipping You in Grace, Dave talks with Dawain Atkinson about his experience in the NAR, why Christians should be concerned about this movement, how Christians should think and speak out against TBN. They also discuss help for beginning and experienced podcasters.

What you’ll hear in this episode
• How should Christians think about TBN and speak out against it.
• Dawain’s experience in the New Apostolic Reformation.
• Why Christians should be concerned about the growing influence of the New Apostolic Reformation.
• Some help for those beginning getting into podcasting.
• Some help for those who are experienced in podcasting but wanting to continue to grow in the craft.

About Today's Guest
Dawain Atkinson was born and raised in Turkey, North Carolina (not the country). He has never been afraid of public speaking and has an outgoing yet relate-able personality. Radio hosting and/or podcasting has always been his destiny. Dawain currently resides in Fayetteville NC. Dawain is married to Andrietta Atkinson and they have 4 children Dearion, Jaiden, Karyssa, and Syvanna.

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Thanks for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace!

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