"Cute Puppy Steals A Pacifier"

7 years ago

"Pacifier sure is a wonderful thing! And these two can definitely agree on that. While this adorable toddler was playing with her cute puppy, the puppy was working on his master plan. A plan to steal the pacifier. Pacifier is a great thing, all children love it, and apparently so do dogs. This puppy used his cuteness to steal the pacifier from the adorable toddler. While she was playing with him, he used the opportunity to take the pacifier and run away to the toddler's brother. Maybe the two of them worked on the master plan together. Either way, it was a good plan and it worked perfectly. The girl was left without her pacifier and the puppy was safely guarded by her brother. Clever little dog we must say. Even though stealing is never a good thing, we must applaud this puppy for his master plan, but we have no doubt that he will return the pacifier right away."

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