60 Minutes Does a Hatchet Job on Moms 4 Liberty - LIVE #KerfefeBreak with Keri Smith

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Join us for a LIVE #KerfefeBreak on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith, Monday, February 4th at 1pm CST. We're watching part of 60 Minutes and Scott Pelley's Hatchet Job on Moms 4 Liberty and contrasting it with the footage and transcript of the material they cut. Why - on an alleged "news" program about Moms "banning" books (they aren't banning books; you can get any of the disgusting books in question at any public library or book store) would they CUT OUT the very books in question? Why do they have such contempt for their audience and such a low estimation of their viewers' IQ? Why censor out the very POINT of the discussion? If the books in question are too sexually explicit for Public Television, then why are they deemed appropriate for Children's school libraries?

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