Ex Border Patrol Chief Tells '60 Minutes' How Many Chats He Had With Biden And Harris

10 months ago

On Saturday the CBS show "60 Minutes" teased an upcoming segment about illegal immigration, and this particular promo revolved around Texas being forced to do the federal government's job, which they reported as a challenge to Biden's authority: Border enforcement is the job of the federal government, according to a long line of Supreme Court cases. Rarely, if ever, has a state so aggressively challenged that authority like Texas. Sunday on 60 Minutes. In that story, there was one person who says he never had his authority challenged from above, and that was the man who was the border patrol chief until last year who saw what happened after Biden urged people to illegally "surge to the border" after he made the border far less secure on day one in office: "I've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter… That's a problem,” says Raul Ortiz, the U.S. Border Patrol chief under President Biden until he retired last year.

He never even spoke with "border czar" Kamala Harris? That's hardly surprising. But now that Biden's disapproval when it comes to immigration issues is nearly 65 percent (according to the Real Clear Politics average) the White House is pretending to care about border security. Karine Jean-Pierre is busy working on a way to gaslight her way out of any possible questions about the above interview this week. Raul Ortiz, who served as the Chief of U.S. Border Patrol under Biden from August 2021 through May 2023, says he has never had a conversation with Biden or VP Kamala Harris. Think about how many high profile events happened in that stretch. 15,000 Haitians under Del Rio bridge, false whipping narrative, end of Title 42, record setting illegal crossings. And the White House allegedly doesn’t speak to the Chief overseeing 20,000 agents on the front lines? “That’s a problem,” Ortiz told 60 Minutes.

The Border Patrol union called the current crisis “the worst sustained disaster … ever seen at our border” — saying President Biden deserves to be arrested and that his administration is “absolutely corrupt to its core.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHytL8TWwAAK0IE?format=jpg&name=large -- Now Biden's trying to blame Trump and the Republicans, and that's laughable: Biden is a vile disgrace and America will not survive his illegal alien invasion and occupation. https://twitter.com/hodgetwins/status/1764255675582914734 -- And "surge to the border" they did. You know what happened next: Never Forget. They created crisis starting on Day 1. It was all planned. https://twitter.com/i/status/1762952386333618198 -- Yep. It was all intentional, and watching the attempted backpedal from the Democrats because it's an election year is maddening.

Twitchy: Ex Border Patrol Chief Tells '60 Minutes' How Many Chats He Had With Biden and Harris
New York Post: Border Patrol union rips ‘corrupt’ Biden administration for worst crisis ‘ever seen at our border’

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