Swan Acts As Icebreaker For Ducks To Swim Through Frozen Lake

6 years ago

A heartwarming video has emerged of a swan using its body to break the ice and swim through a frozen lake. A group of ducks is seen following swan’s lead, as he struggles to break the ice by paddling through the frozen lake, making a swimming path!

These ducks receive some unexpected help from a generous swan as it helps break up the ice for them to swim. Teamwork makes the dream work! Footage shows a group of ducks following swan’s lead as he breaks the ice in front of him, while paddling through a frozen lake. Amazing!
The filmmaker noticed a brave swan paddling through a slight break in the ice of a frozen lake, struggling to make a path for ducks to swim. He watched as the swan and ducks moved mesmerizingly through the unfrozen water! Incredible!

This ice-cool swan was captured on camera smashing his way through a frozen lake. The graceful bird moves so tenaciously through the cold water and breaks the ice like he is a cutting knife trying to slice a piece of cake!

This is a short video of a tenacious swan doing his best to break the ice in front of him and lead a group of ducks through an icy lake. Apparently ducks used this swan to be their personal icebreaker and he didn’t mind lending a helping hand! He is their hero, and he is our hero too!

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