The Chemistry of 9/11: A Consistent Collapse Model for The Twin Towers by Dr. Niels Harrit

11 months ago

"Public Master Class on The Events of September 11, 2001" Anniversary Conference was held in Zurich, Switzerland on September 11, 2019, at the Volkshaus theater.

The Chemistry of 9/11: A Consistent Collapse Model for The Twin Towers by Dr. Niels Harrit

It is very difficult to ‘see’ what you see if you do not like what you see. The World Trade Center Twin Towers did not collapse on 9/11 — they were blown up — or rather, blown from the top down. To do that, you need to use energetic materials like explosives and incendiaries, and they need to be pre-placed in the buildings. There has been some ambiguity in the interpretation of the chemistry associated with the destruction of these buildings. The term energetic materials is used collectively for explosives, incendiaries, propellants (rocket fuel) and the like. Explosives and propellants do work and move things around, whereas energy from the use of incendiaries is released as heat. The advent of nanotechnology has allowed for the ‘tuning’ of energetic materials between these two extremes. Thus, the thermitic nanomaterial found in the World Trade Center dust does not necessarily fit into one or the other traditional category. This Presentation clarifies these matters and leads to a consistent collapse model explaining what we see in the Twin Tower videos that were viewed by more than a billion people worldwide in real time.

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