Trudeau's Accomplishments - Open Border Diseases

1 year ago

Trudeau wants us to allow him to radically change Canada

His policies, rooted in increasingly discredited and dated dogma, would turn Canadians into a flock of sheep

Who uttered the scariest, most threatening words, anywhere in the world, in all of 2023?

Not Putin, not Kim Jong Un of North Korea, or some other unscrupulous dictator — it was Canada’s own Justin Trudeau.

“There’s a lot of work to do … and we are going to continue fighting for them (the people of Canada) every single day.”

“… I wouldn’t be the person I am and be willing to walk away from this right now.”

Words uttered in year-end interviews, mere days ago, intended to bolster his very saggy polling.

Since Trudeau isn't leaving, it's best to ignore him and get on with life

Justin Trudeau is single-handedly accomplishing what all his ministers and bureaucrats failed to do after years of toil and millions of dollars piffled away — he is saving the mainstream Liberal media.


By keeping those scribes writing about when he will be leaving office.

In so many publications across the land, we have been treated to an onslaught of praise about his “major accomplishments”:

— $10-a-day daycare (hardly to be found — ask moms).

— Tens of billions for battery plants for a clean world (don’t bet on it).

— Dental care (only if you are over 87 years old and penniless).

— Pharmacare (go to a government washroom for men and get your free tampons).

But the list of these so-called successes, touted by those who contend that the rock bottom polls are just due to voter fatigue after eight years, is not nearly as long as that of his own miscalculations.

Trudeau stands alone as Canada — and the world — abandons green energy

Wind and solar have become the fossils of the energy industry; oil, gas and coal remain the fuels of the future

MPs receive thousands of emails, postcards over Health Canada's new rules on natural health products

Justin Trudeau’s OBSESSION with LGBT, And Other Sexual Fixations

Despite high spending, Canada’s health-care system is failing badly

In the pandemic’s wake, with mounting surgical backlogs, physician shortages and burned out nurses, Canada’s health-care system is teetering. While some hope we can spend our way out of this problem, a new report finds that Canada is already the most expensive health-care system in the world but has little to show for it.

Biden’s open borders are bringing contagious diseases to your neighborhood

New York City’s health commissioner announced last week that the influx of migrants from the southern border — more than 50,000 to New York City alone in the past year — is delivering contagious diseases, including tuberculosis and polio, to our neighborhoods.

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