Comments 32 and 33: The Unjustified Slander Of YC & Decoding The Pillars of Civilization

1 year ago

Comment Number 32 is on the Black Patriarch channel and Comment Number 33 is on The Real Merkabah channel. Yvette Carnell is no one's buffoon. Many of her critics are buffoons...but not her. Oriental Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy, Hispanic Supremacy, White Supremacy and all other forms of Supremacy are not based on mysticism. Rather they are based on understanding and applying the principles in the 4 ANCIENT PILLARS OF CIVILIZATION. Virtually every word out of an individual's mouth, the vast majority of his/her actions, attitudes, mindsets and beliefs and every man made thing he/she touches, hears about, reads about and sees are the evidence and proof of the 4 Pillars.

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