Its Bilderberg that controls WEF.

1 year ago

Its Bilderberg that controls WEF. Kissinger recruited Schwab when Bilderberg, in the 70's, decided that they needed a front-end 'promotional arm' to advance their globalization doctrine.

Schwab or Brende attend the annual June Bilderberg meetings and from instructions given to them, they then build the agenda for the January Davos meetings.

Bilderberg power ensures all the billionaires, MSM and government officials show up at WEF and freeze their asses off in a Davos winter.

Bilderberg arose in 1953 to move the world piecemeal towards their singular global governance model. This after the engineers of WWII failed to achieve that model and the depopulation program that would have followed.

Bilderberg sits atop of its two older powerful cornerstones: Chatham House (UK) and CFR (NY).

The CIA arose in '53 and Dulles was assigned the Director off of the CFR board.

Chatham House assigns the MI6 head and together with the CIA they report intel to Bilderberg and receive instructions for their global crime operations.

Rockefeller is dead, Kissinger is dead so there is a fight internally at Bilderberg as to who will rise to take over this global crime syndicate.


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