Freely You Received, Freely You Give...

11 months ago

One question I see asked very often... Should one have to pay for deliverance or basically and other service of ministry??? The answer is very obvious from the Words of Jesus... Freely you received and Freely you give... Even the Apostle Paul wrote in his epistles, when I spent some time with you, I did not burden you... Like Jesus, Paul did not burden the people with a charge for admission, not a payment for a service like deliverance, healing or prophecy... Jesus looked at the people and had compassion for them as they were like sheep without a shepherd... Do sheep pay the shepherd? No it is owner of the sheep that pays the shepherd, not the sheep...
Today we have deliverance minister offering to help someone through deliverance for often times a very large fee... Prophets are scheduled for events with a sizable admission fee to be paid when entering the meetings or conferences... All in direct opposition to how Jesus and the Apostles went forth sharing the Gospel, Baptizing, Making Disciples, Casting out Demons, and Healing the Sick... Jesus sat on a mountain side and Freely shared His Gospel. He cast demons out of and healed multitudes without ever charging a dime... As did the Apostles and other ministers of the Gospel after them...
Now I'm not saying that a worker is not worth his hire... After all Jesus said not to tread the ox without its muzzle (feed sack provided to the ox)... Paul traveled from Greece to Jerusalem to deliver offerings from the churches there to the Apostles and the church in Jerusalem... But as the Word says, God lives a cheerful giver... A cheerful giver is one who gives from the heart rather than an obligation... There was a woman who gave only two coins in the synagogue and the Religious looked down her for not giving more. Yet Jesus scolded them by stating that she had given all she had and it was way more than their obligatory high dollar offerings they would give to give them a higher appearance...
I get it that there are actual expenses today that need to be met... Fuel, electricity, even food or lodging at times. And these expenses should they be definitely of the Holy Spirit's calling, will be met through the generosity of the hearts of those in attendance. Some, monetarily more than others, but these love offerings should not be obligatory or manipulated to the people through means of witchcraft. This is the way of Balaam and reasons why Simon the sorcerer desired the Holy Spirit to be given to him. All Simon wanted the Holy Spirit for was to use Him as he did his other demonic powers to bring forth a larger purse full of money...
Jesus told us that a man can not serve two masters, God and Mammon, for money is at the root of all evil... How true this is. One of the most evil videos I have ever watched was a child laying on a stage groaning and thrashing about when a demon was manifesting in him. The minister stopped the deliverance and his mother that they would finish the deliverance after a fee was placed in the offering plate or paid to their website. Then the minister walked away with the child still manifesting while the mother frantically pulled out her phone to find the website and pay a fee... They call this giving an offering, bull, it's witchcraft in its finest using manipulation and intimidation to bring about a larger purse for the so called minister... There is a huge, huge difference between an offering from the heart and manipulated or pay as you go price tag...
Over the years, I have seen many preachers, teachers, evangelist, and prophets go the way of Balaam and deliver to the highest bidder as they become blessed by the false god Mammon and turn away from the true Gospel of Jesus... Instead of giving freely as they once had received, they are taking food right straight from the peoples mouths... Instead of going forth and freely preaching the redeeming Gospel of Jesus through messages of repentance and Kingdom Authority, they have gone the way of Balaam and only care for their own stomachs and sell their souls to the highest bidder, the god Mammon (Greed)...

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