The Rafah Rip-Off.....Follow the money trail

10 months ago

An investigative reveals that an Egyptian company made millions of dollars in profits through the Rafah crossing.

The Rafah crossing earns about $2 million a day from civilians wishing to leave Gaza.

Before the aggression, a person used to pay $350, and after the war, he paid $5,000 for an adult and $2,500 for a child.

Is it any wonder Muammar Gadaffi despised the muslim brotherhood.

It should be painfully clear by now for most people to grasp the fact that for the past four years Satan and his minions have been given a free run of the world, in plain sight and at the expense of the meek. However, the arrogance of those who sided with evil are now starting to realise they walked straight into military sting operation after military sting operation. Everyone's behaviour over the years has been noted, during the past four years the military alliance will have followed the money. I will stake a wager that the Israeli government and the Egyptian government have been profiteering from genocide. The military alliance that currently consists of 33 world militaries will for sure be following the money trail. Profiting from the persecution of the real Semites, ie. Palestinians, NOT Khazarian Zionists will be frowned upon by God. To all the Palestinians, be strong, have faith in God...your victory will come and the meek shall inherit the earth.

Book of Matthew

1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

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