TPV-3.2.24-Mel Gibson: Global Elites Will Keep Dying To Make Way For The Antichrist-Ad Free

6 months ago

I’m a fan of The People’s Voice. Here’s the latest episode without ads! Enjoy! ;-)
This episode description:
High-ranking global elites will continue dying in unprecedented numbers according to Mel Gibson who warns that the season of Illuminati blood sacrifices has arrived, and the old guard of the global elite are in the process of being slaughtered like cloven-hoofed beasts.
We have seen an extraordinary number of high-ranking global elites pass from this earth to the next in recent times. Queen Elizabeth, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and most recently Lord Jacob Rothschild himself.
According to Gibson, these elites are returning to their demonic form in order to better support the Antichrist from the lower realms as he assumes his position on the world’s throne as the king of kings.
If Gibson is correct, Francis, Soros and Schwab are next in line to pop their clogs. But it’s not all good news. The devil is not even bothering to hide anymore and yet people still don’t want to believe he exists.
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