Strange: Owner found strange looking thing on his Dog's elbow. see what he did after that

7 years ago

Dog are human's best friend and though they are with humans from a long time they keep surprising us from time to time.
In this case also the owner was surprised to see the strange looking things on his dog's elbow.
First he searched the web and couldn't find anything related to this and visited the vet.
Vet said that there is nothing to worry about.
So he decided to take these things out from his dog's elbow which looks like blackheads.
Probably they are blackheads but they are definitely the strangest blackheads you have ever seen.
You might have seen many blackhead removal videos on youtube but this video is different from all of them because this is the strange case where a dog is having blackheads on his elbow.
Strange isn't it?

After removing these blackheads like things the skin became normal.
Owner cleaned the place with warm water and applied antibiotic to prevent the infections. It is not in this video because for doing that it takes 2 hands hahaha..

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