40 Days of Prayer, His Sheep John 10:27, Week 3, Day 5

11 months ago

Welcome to 40 Days of Prayer, His Sheep John 10:27, Week 3, Day 5

For most of my life, I have been an incredibly self-confident person—not caring what others thought about me or needing anyone’s approval in my life. Then one day, my world was rocked by something that came seemingly out of nowhere. My confidence was shaken, and I found myself wanting assurance from those closest to me that I would be OK. This was new territory for me, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. I began questioning every move I made.

In one of the many moments on my knees before Jesus, I cried out, asking for help with the insecurity I was experiencing, and I felt him say, “I am your assurance. Your assurance is in me.” I was reminded that as close and reliant as we feel to those around us, the reality is that all we need is Jesus. Throughout Scripture, we see Jesus calling person after person to stop relying on every earthly thing they have—their job, family, title, money—and to just follow Him.

As I got up off my knees that day, I felt a strength and a peace—an assurance—that I knew could only come from Him. And though there have been many times I’ve had to go back to that word and remind myself that my assurance is in God, I’m thankful that He is faithfully there, ready to speak over me again and again.

Listen to His voice. He knows you. Follow Him.


Precious Father, You are our Good Shepherd. You know Your sheep, and Your sheep know Your voice. Thank You for Your faithfulness to love, guide, and protect us. Thank You for speaking to us. Father, help us to recognize and listen to Your voice. Protect us from the temptation to listen to others’ voices that would lead us astray and that might lead us away from what Your will is over our lives. Give us the strength and courage to follow You wherever You lead, even when others don’t approve. Father, You are our assurance and our strength, and we give You praise. Amen

By Jenny Karr

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