11. I just don't effin know... and it's funny to me that I kinda do-dont have to either 👍😋

11 months ago

A serious deep dive into all philosophy, spirituality, culture, life, personal interaction, metaphysics, nature, morals? and politics globally.

YOU are love and beauty personified and I'm the truth that you all have been waiting to advocate for us all.

this is a detailed explanation of both my experience's and my revelations in regards to the concept of absolute truth and how that is the solution to all problems and questions facing humanity and ourselves.

it's hard to explain all of this video in text but it's more than worth the time to watch.

thanks for sharing even if you think I'm crazy, im not wrong.

this IS the revelation we have ALL been waiting for .. the one that includes everyone and everything that's good, neutral or "naturally bad" but not pure evil.

evil is either real or a mislabeling of "wrong incorrect" but either way, I just destroyed it.


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