KingCobraJFS Mar 3, 2024 "chillin" *STREAM*

1 year ago

On this day, King Cobra gives an update on his Sunday activities, sharing that he has sold three of his personal wands for $334, expressing gratitude towards the buyers. He then addresses a range of topics, from dealing with YouTube trolls and receiving PayPal donations to his plans for making homemade wine and his views on respecting elders. Cobra also touches on his relationship with Jessica, his frustration with people tattling to his dad about his drinking on camera, and his disdain for his online harassers. Throughout the video, he interacts with his audience, responds to text messages, and discusses his plans for a new mango peach habanero mead, all while dealing with interruptions and prank orders through DoorDash. He also shares his opinions on various subjects, including his thoughts on legalizing prostitution and drugs, his aspirations if he were president, and his views on capital punishment and gay marriage. The video concludes with Cobra expressing frustration over the continuous pranks and police welfare checks initiated by his trolls, reaffirming his indifference to their attempts to disrupt his life.
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