Book of the Week 3/3/2024 - The Practice of the Presence of God

7 months ago

by Brother Lawrence

Called an "unparalleled classic", The Practice of the Presence of God has moved readers for centuries. In this admired collection of letters dating back to the 1600s, author Brother Lawrence (born Nicholas Herman) pens spiritually convicting passages, sharing his insights about the loving presence of Almighty God. Even today, Christian readers open Brother Lawrence's letters to glean understanding of the majesty and blessing of God in our everyday lives.

The Practice of the Presence of God consists of conversations, letters, and maxims on how we should live, with the idea of cultivating the sense of the presence of God in the soul and, indeed, in the world around us. We need this great spiritual classic now more than ever, when we are overwhelmed by the vastness of today's problems. We need to return to the simplicity of Brother Lawrence, whose "little way" lightens our burdens and rejoices the heart.

Buy it here:,-by-Brother-Lawrence/p/1683895

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