Kanye West | How To Respond To Charges Of Anti-Semitism | Andrea Bordeaux

11 months ago

How can PROUD Non-Whites better respond to charges of Anti-Semitism?

Yes, there is some scientific truth to Black Hebrews claiming white 'Jews' are fake, that they are not the real ancient biblical Israelites, let alone the chosen people. However, Black Americans or Black Hebrews claiming to be Jews too is as absurd as Ashkenazi and Sephardic white people claiming to be Jews because both the black and white groups have no DNA connection to ancient biblical Hebrews and Israelites, let alone the Levant region of the Middle East.

In fact, Palestinians, Mizrahi Arabs, and some Ethiopians, Iraqis, and Iranians are the only ones who are genetically closest to the ancient biblical Hebrews and Israelites.

Present-day 'Israel' (i.e., Occupied Palestine) is a perpetuation of white supremacy, fake white Jesus, and fake white Jews that caters to both the messianic teachings of white Christians and the geopolitical interests of the evil U.S. empire in the oil-rich Middle East.

#SynagogueOfSatan #BlackHebrew #WhiteZionist #WhiteNationalist

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