Big Brother Dog Is Super Excited To Meet His Puppy Sister

7 years ago

Scout the Golden Retriever has but one thing to say about boxes - they are the enemy! According to his owner, the sweet pupper hates cardboard boxes from the bottom of his soul! He would attack them on sight and rip them to shreds.

Knowing this, it probably wasn’t all too good of an idea to put Scout’s surprise in one of those things that he likes to destroy to oblivion, but then again, what other way to peak his curiosity? So when baby sister Rosie was to be introduced to the pack, they pulled out one such big cardboard box and placed her inside. Call in the cavalry!

Scout was so excited to see what is hiding in the box, he had to be held down by his owner. Look at the tug on him! He probably thought that this is another thing for him to obliterate, but the unusual scent coming from inside stopped him. Scout approaches the box and starts sniffing the edge and when he peeked inside, a tiny little puppy was waiting, looking just like him!

The first contact is established when the two pups touch noses and it seems that this is love at first sight! Rosie looks a bit reserved about her welcome, but Scout looks like he could just jump right in. He finally has a <a href="" target="_blank">buddy</a> all of his own, someone he could teach the vile plans of his nemesis - the cardboard box!

Let’s face it, they could have gone much worse. Bagira the Great Dane, for example, was behaving like such a drama queen when he saw his owner with a <a href="" target="_blank">new puppy</a>. It’s not all about you, Bagira!

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