Ryan Heath on AlphaWarrior 9/26 & SGT- Kari Lake atty's FAILED to Cite Binding Precedent on Signatur

1 year ago

Kari Lake signature count only went to trial because of this guy. Great analysis in my layman opinion and intro to Donofrio's work

It's interesting the Alpha Warrior interview was the day after Trial III's (Judge Hannah on sigs) close and he didn't directly discuss that trial, even though that was the first thing he was asked about. He talked about his own instead. That's going up on my Locals when I get the chance. The Judge Thompson docs, who Heath sued before most of us knew who he was, are at

Just scroll down or search "HEATH V THOMPSON"

But interview 2 in this which was taken a week earlier addresses it. It builds on the first pretty well. In Trial II (election contest on grounds there was no sig check at all) Heath says Lake's team missed the easy argument: MaCo compared the sigs to past years' envelopes instead of the voter's reg. form as required by law, and the number of these invalid sigs (nbr of "ballot packs") was more than Hobbs' and Mayes' "win" margins. For Trial III, he doesn't get into the details but says the AZ legislature delegated authority for the envelopes to the county, so it doesn't matter if they're fraudulent, only the county has authority to check it. This doesn't sound right to me but what do I know. But the County has to follow the EPM and check the sigs against the rolls not the last election's envelope, and that's where he thinks the challenge should be.

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