02/28/2024 加拿大CBC新闻:根据加拿大安全情报局的一份评估报告,4年前被加拿大温尼伯实验室解雇的科学家中,有一位故意将科学信息泄露给中共政府。报

1 year ago

02/28/2024 CBC News: According to an assessment report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, one of the scientists who was fired from Canada's Winnipeg Disease Lab 4 years ago intentionally leaked scientific information to the CCP government. The report said that Qiu Xiangguo developed deep cooperative relations with a variety of the CCP institutions and has intentionally transferred scientific knowledge and materials to the CCP, Canada's national security and the health of individuals may be put into jeopardy.
02/28/2024 加拿大CBC新闻:根据加拿大安全情报局的一份评估报告,4年前被加拿大温尼伯实验室解雇的科学家中,有一位故意将科学信息泄露给中共政府。报告写道,邱香果与中共国的各种机构建立了深入的合作关系,并故意向中共转移科学知识和材料,加拿大的国家安全和个人健康可能会受到威胁。

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