( -0635 ) Dr Chris Shoemaker - Hearts of Covid Jab Recipients Need To 'Work' On Avg. 2x As Hard (6 mo. Later) Per 1000 Patient Study - & Other Int'l Crisis Summit Expert Testimonies

9 months ago

Dr Chris Shoemaker Citing Study Showing Hearts Are Working Almost Twice As Hard In The Covid-19 Jabbed, Plus, New Pirates Raid Souls



Related persons:

Dr. Raphael,Lataster PhD
Randy Hillier
Senator Ron Johnson
Dr. Bret Weinstein (PHD in biology, specialist in evolution, background in immunobiology; accidently unearthed a flaw that still exists in our drug safety system: Dark Horse podcast, "3 Steps to Save The World, re Covid-19
Ed Dowd (former Blackrock fund manager, wrote books about the Covid 19 response and excess deaths around the world)
Barbara Loe Fisher
Dr. David Gartler
Dr. Harvey Risch MD, PhD (epidemiology professor at Yale University who suggested in April 2021 that 60% of people coming down with Covid-19 now have already been vaccinated)
Del Bigtree (associated with ICAN, currently produces and hosts The Highwire, Former Journalist who became a whistleblower regarding vaccine efficacy and safety.)
Dr. Brian Hooker PhD
Lara Logan (former journalist who began to speak out against false journalism where she worked)
Dr. Sabine Hazan MD
Dr. Pierre Kory (uses Ivermectin 4 Covid-19 & was on an Indian television show - among a group of doctors collectively with 2000 peer-reviewed papers for Ivermectin;
Dr. Pierre Kory says Mexico is the model, Argentina also uses it. Site:FLCCC.net )
Dr. Christian Perronne (also a Professor, Speaking against Covid-19 vaccination efficacy)
Rodney Palmer,
Jason Christoff
Mattias Desmet
Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu
Rob Roos
Phillip Kruse
Cole, Dr. Ryan Cole
Kevin McKernan
Nicola Charles (media personality - The White Rabbit Podcast)

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