Wolfquest speedrun Lost River 54:52

1 year ago

Alright, Wolf Quest Anniversary Edition, Lost River map, under an hour! My goal met on run 7, which is so many fewer runs than the old AM/SC map setup was. Could have saved some time if the game cooperated a smidge more, but I'm happy with this.
Gonna think of some more runs now, maybe SC? I don't really want to speedrun AM for real because I think it is, objectively, the worst map. Love the devs making it, but for speedrunning it has problems like: all dens are on the edges of the map close to or in enemy territory, beavers only spawn at the map edges in enemy territory, and oh yeah The Giant CLIFF HOLE in the middle of it. Fun. But not for me if I'm running. Slough Creek should be fun, but I may also try New Game + Lost river first too. If WQ releases Hellroaring or full lifecycle updates, that will change plans around too.
Hope you had fun watching this run, cause I had fun playing it!

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