Don't ask about his job, he will tell you eventually

11 months ago

Most men are straightforward. What you see is what you get. Generally speaking, it's harder for us to pretend to be something we're not or conceal too much about ourselves for too long because 1) we don't often have the resources to do it, 2) we're not often experienced enough with women to pull it off, and/or 3) your intuition is usually (if you're honest with yourselves) good enough to see through most crap.

We can be insecure about our professional status. When that's the case, many of us will make up for our unattractive jobs/wallets by peacocking with other attributes (clothes, car, crib, company, etc.)

You should know when a man is better off than the rest of us. When you do, not fixating on how he earns his status can be a good idea, as some men may feel that you're more attracted to his resources than who he is as a man. Never forget that what arguably gives a man his greatest pleasure is when the women in his life look up to him and demonstrate their respect for his efforts and sacrifices. Yes, it can manifest in a sort of worship fantasy, but most men desire it. Most men want to be the lords of their own kingdoms.

What we have to try to do is work the odds. What are the odds that men with incomplete and unattractive profiles have the financial success and social respect of those who put the effort into making fine ones? Not that good. Of course, there are exemptions; diamonds in the rough, so to speak. But exemptions don't steer society for a reason. As a woman seeking a man to build a stable, long-term, enriching relationship with, you're better off sticking to men who clearly have their lives together and communicate clearly, concisely, and without fear.

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