5 Super Yoga Poses That Will Help Increase Your Height

11 months ago

There’s something appealing about tall people.

Based on a study, a good height is also associated with a positive outlook and higher IQ.

In addition to your genetic makeup, factors like exercise, nutrition, and many others determine your height.

During puberty, your height increases rapidly then stop after puberty.

If you’re trying to increase your height up to this day, you’ve still got a chance.

Through yoga, you can get a taller frame.

Not only that but yoga relaxes your body and reduces stress.

Certain yoga asanas such as tadasana stretch the body and boost flexibility.

Have you heard of this yoga pose? Get to know about it and 4 other yoga poses to get taller by watching until the end.


Also known as the Mountain Pose, this exercise involves stretching all the body muscles from your head to toe.

To do it, stand on the floor with your legs, waist, and neck aligned in a straight line.

Both feet should be together with your hands on the side and your palms facing the thighs.

As you inhale, raise your two arms together in the upward direction, parallel to each other.

Then, slowly lift your heels and stand on your toes.

Stretch your body upward as far as you can while keeping your arms and legs straight.

Vriksh asana

The Tree Pose is another great yoga asana for increasing height.

It also helps strengthen your muscles.

To start, stand with your feet together on the ground.

Put your hands at the side and breathe normally.

Next, stand up firmly on the left leg then fold the right leg at your knees.

Bring your right foot’s sole on the inner thighs.

Balance on the left foot and raise both arms over your head, elbows unbent and your palms together.

Maintain this posture for a few seconds while breathing gently.

Repeat with the opposite leg.


Alternatively called the Camel Pose, Ustrasana involves bending the neck to trigger the pituitary gland.

First ff, kneel on the yoga mat and put your hands on the hips.

Your knees must be in line with the shoulders and the sole of your feet should be facing the ceiling.

When you inhale, draw in your tail-bone towards the pubis.

Simultaneously, arch your back and slide your palms over your feet until you’ve straightened your arms.

Keep it neutral without straining or flexing your neck.

Maintain this posture for a couple of breaths.


This yoga pose is better known as the Cobra Pose that stretches the muscles on your lower back, upper back, and stomach.

To do it, lie down on your stomach and keep your feet together.

Place your hands under your shoulder.

Then, with your lower body firmly on the floor, lift your upper body off the floor using your arms.

Make sure your core is engaged and your shoulders are rolled back.

Tilt your head backward to engage your neck muscles.

Hold this pose for 30 seconds.


Quite a mouthful, huh? Just call it Seated Forward Bend, then.

This yoga pose stretches your hamstring and spine.

Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front.

Then inhale and lift your hands.

Next, exhale and bend forward from your hips.

Stretch your arms and try touching your toes.

Maintain this pose for 30 seconds.

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