Hooray! My Dollarama Parsley is Growing!

7 months ago

I purchased this parsley growing kit at Dollarama and it has sprouted much sooner than it was supposed to! I am so thrilled that my parsley is starting to grow!

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Parsley is so healthy for us.
I have been very careful to only water it sparingly with bottled spring water, because our tap water tastes salty and is full of chemicals.

Growing our own food indoors can help our health in so many ways.

First of all, it reminds me to pray!
Second, did you know scientists have proven that interacting with nature each day can help keep the blues away?

Third, if you grow food indoors it is less likely to be contaminated with bird plop! Bird turds? Yes, this is a real thing that contaminates millions of dollars of lettuce and spinach crops each year!

And the list goes on...

Why are you interested in growing food indoors?

Want more ways to save money?

Checkout my blog https://CanadianSeniorSavings.blogspot.com

Follow me on X if you would like to chat .https://x.com/sister_su

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