Navigating the Maze: Unraveling Freemasonry's Lost Path – S2 E77

4 months ago

Navigating the Maze: Unraveling Freemasonry's Lost Path – S2 E77

Have Freemasons lost their way? Is complacency gripping the membership? In this eye-opening video, we delve into Dr. Spencer Johnson's iconic book, "Who Moved My Cheese?" and uncover how its lessons are eerily relevant to the current state of Freemasonry.
This Mason believes the answer to all of these questions is an emphatic YES!
Join us as we explore five crucial lessons from the book that resonate deeply with Freemasonry's challenges today:

• Monitor Change: Are we paying attention to the signs of decline within Freemasonry?
• Face Your Fears: Confronting change head-on is essential for growth.
• Change Ahead: Embracing change and envisioning a brighter future.
• Adapt Quickly: The importance of swift adaptation to evolving circumstances.
• Change and Enjoy: Embracing change opens up new possibilities for growth and fulfillment.

Join us as we delve into these vital lessons and discover how Freemasonry can thrive amidst change. Don't miss this insightful discussion on embracing change and shaping a brighter future for Freemasonry.

"Who Moved My Cheese?" is a popular self-help book by Dr. Spencer Johnson that uses a parable to illustrate how people cope with change in their lives. The story revolves around four characters: Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw.

Sniff and Scurry are two mice who represent simple, instinctive beings. They don't overthink things and quickly adapt to change. They anticipate change, sniff it out early, and scurry into action to find new sources of "cheese" (representing whatever people seek for success and happiness).

Hem is a little person who represents someone resistant to change. He is fearful of the unknown and prefers to stick to the familiar, even if it means staying in a situation where the cheese has run out. Hem becomes paralyzed by his fear of change and struggles to adapt.

Haw, another little person, initially mirrors Hem's resistance to change but eventually learns to embrace it. He overcomes his fear, realizes the need to adapt, and embarks on a journey to find new "cheese". Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about the importance of being proactive and embracing change.

Relating this to a Freemasonry, one could see each character as representing different attitudes and approaches within the group:
Sniff and Scurry could symbolize members who are quick to adapt to changes within the organization, always on the lookout for new opportunities and willing to take action to ensure the organization's success.

Hem might represent those members who resist change, clinging to tradition and the way things have always been done. They may struggle to accept new ideas or adapt to shifting circumstances within the organization.

Haw represents the member who initially struggles with change but ultimately learns to embrace it. This could be akin to someone who initially resists changes in the fraternal organization but eventually realizes the importance of adaptation and becomes a proactive participant in implementing positive changes.

In essence, "Who Moved My Cheese?" teaches valuable lessons about embracing change, being proactive, and adapting to new circumstances, which can be applicable to the dynamics and challenges faced by fraternal organizations as they evolve over time.


Can you identify the HEMS and HAW? Are they in your Lodge leadership? Are they in your Grand Lodge leadership? What about your Shrine leadership? Sniffs and Scurrys are great to have, even a HAW that is willing to change, but your HEMs will single handling kill the organization, especially if they are in a leadership role.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast, any Grand Lodge or Shrine Center, and we encourage viewers to conduct their research and form their conclusions based on reliable sources and personal beliefs.

#Freemasonry #Freemasons #freemason #masonic #whomovedmycheese #change #spencerjohnson

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