Watching Sunday FOX & MSNBC b/c that's what MOST Streamers do 🤮 | NEW Audio Setup

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📺 Welcome to Fomocast's live stream extravaganza, where we subject ourselves to the auditory assault that is FOX News, because apparently, that's what ALL the cool streamers are doing these days. 🤮

Grab your popcorn and your sanity, folks, because we're diving headfirst into the realm of alternative facts and fear-mongering. Join us as we navigate through a sea of sensationalism and bias, all in the name of "keeping up with the mainstream." 🌊

Who needs critical thinking when you have talking heads spewing out conspiracy theories faster than you can say "fact-check"? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions, from incredulous laughter to soul-crushing despair, as we witness the epitome of journalistic integrity (or lack thereof). 🎢

Don't forget to bring your tin foil hats and skepticism goggles - we'll need all the protection we can get from the onslaught of propaganda. So tune in, buckle up, and brace yourselves for a wild ride through the twisted landscape of media manipulation.

#Fomocast #AlternativeFacts #MainstreamMadness #SensationalismSpectacle 🤪

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