1 year ago

Alamut is an original symphonic work by the band Laibach in collaboration with Iranian musicians and composers. The music-stage project deals with a famous story based on historical events in Persia in the 11th century, described in his book by Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol. The central character is the heretic Hasan ibn Saba, a charismatic religious and political leader and the founder of an Islamic sect. The ideas of radical political and religious nihilism are intertwined with the sound colors of Persian tradition through Laibach's unique sound and the industrial principle of the orchestra.
Under the leadership of Iranian conductor Navid Gohar, Laibach, the Tehran vocal group Human Voice Ensemble, the Austrian organist Otto Lechner, the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra and the Slovenian ensembles Gallina Vocal Group and the women's accordion orchestra AccordiOna perform.

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