Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Part 2, Ship in the mountains?

11 months ago

In this part Drake and Sullivan stumble upon mysterious U-Boat hidden deep in the mountains and jungle. We will meet the antagonists of the game, Gabriel Roman and his right hand, Navarro. Sullivan owes Roman a lot of money and he is looking forward to keep the treasure for himself.
Roman shot Sullivan and Drake escapes.

There is a surprise appearance of Elena who saves Drake. Elena and Drake took a plane to an unknown Island where the fortune is supposed to be. Their plane is shot by anti-aircraft fires and they have to bail out. They both get separated and now Drake has to find Elena on the island.

Drake frequently engages in intense gunfights with various groups of enemies, including mercenaries and pirates. Watch as Drake's survival skills are put to the test in this thrilling segment of the game.

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