Just Stop Oil's Roger Hallam Responds To UK's Regular Floods By Telling Everyone To Stop Eating Meat

11 months ago

The county of Norfolk in Britain, for those who are not familiar, lies on the east coast of England and is directly across from Amsterdam at the point where the English Channel joins the North Sea. So, as a coastal region, it is subject to flooding during storms. Just like Gulf Coast areas in the U.S., it is just a fact of life for the people and businesses in the area. And that's exactly what has happened recently, as heavy storms caused flooding in many parts of the U.K., including Norfolk. Sadly, farmers were impacted, including one man who spoke to the BBC about his worries that he might not have enough grass for his beef cattle this summer. 📻 BBC 4 spoke to mixed farmer Peter Gardiner this morning about the impact flooding has had on his farm and local rural community in Norfolk 👨‍🌾 It's a dire situation for farmers in the area, and the MP representing Norfolk has called emergency meetings to try to address the problem.

On the other hand, you have people like the co-founder of Just Stop Oil, Roger Hallam, who just steps into situations like these to ghoulishly gloat about how we're all doomed. (Apparently, petroleum is now to blame for rain. Because of course it is. We'll add that to the list.) Hallam seems to think the only solution here is to just stop eating meat before the collapse of society forces us to stop eating meat. -- Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21: “You either stop eating meat to stop society from collapsing; or you stop eating meat because society has collapsed: either way your days of eating meat are coming to an end.” -- Dude, we know the rain makes it difficult, but please go outside and touch some grass. Ironically, Hallam posted this tweet either from a computer or a smartphone, neither of which would exist without petroleum and petroleum products. But we'll save that discussion for another time. For now, let's enjoy Twitter dragging Hallam for his ridiculous take on meat.

Lol sure thing dude. Where do you clowns get the idea that you have any power whatsoever do dictate what I can or can't eat? You're a powerless moron. But Just Stop Oil glues their hands to highways, man. They have SOO much power. Or maybe not so much. Eating meat will continue long after you are gone from this world. Society isn’t listening to you. Not even a little bit. Of course, Twitter had some viable options for humanity if Hallam's insane predictions ever did come true. If society collapses I’ll start eating people before I stop eating meat. Just hunt the vegans. Buddy, I will happily grill your thigh and savor it, even if I'm not stranded in the Andes with Ethan Hawke in the early to mid 90s. We'd go full Yellowjackets on Hallam and his buddies before we ever considered not eating meat. Just sayin'. And we're not the only ones. Hunt and eat the people telling you to stop eating meat. https://twitter.com/i/status/1764016670073303289 -- Vegans are made out of meat. Problem solved!

Does anyone know what spices are best when slow cooking Vegans? Or what the best cuts of meat are? Always go for the thigh meat, brother. But like any steak, the best seasonings are just some good old-fashioned salt and pepper. Add some cayenne or chipotle powder if you like your meat on the spicy side. Others, of course, trusted their own skills if the meat shortage ever came to pass. I know how to kill, gut, butcher and cook my own meat, so doubt it. Nope. I’ll hunt and/or raise meat. I do not need society to access meat to eat. You do know even if society collapses there are those of us who know how to still get meat? It’s called hunting and there are some that are very good at it. -- Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie: “These are my beef cattle. Wagyu crossed with Angus. They’ve never had an mRNA shot and they never will… just like their farmer.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0iOeUjXoAA8QDi?format=jpg&name=large -- We're DEFINITELY going to Sassy Massie's ranch if society ever collapses.

John Stark @SandmanSlim02: “No.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHsWhqUakAAk_V0?format=jpg&name=large -- Or maybe that guy's place. Man, that looks good. The general consensus on Twitter seems to be that Hallam is a hypocrite and a crazy person. We cannot really find any fault with that argument. There are two groups of people that will never stop eating meat, those telling us to eat bugs, and hunters. Whoa. Major cult leader vibes from Hallam here. Dave Gordon 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 @D_Gordzo: “Also there's a UFO in the tail of the comet. Join us and you too will freed from this physical realm.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHrs1IHXAAAkTse?format=png&name=small -- I'm thinking you're boosted. At least five times. Probably more. But, of course, if society ever DID go all Mad Max, it is people like Hallam who would be without any recourse. -- Nah! We’re pretty fond of deer, turkey, dove, pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, turtle, frogs & a large variety of fish. We’re good! Who’s going to make your vegan burgers though?! 😱

Yours might be. Mine won't. -- It's pretty much a giant, resounding NO from all of Twitter for Hallam's doomsaying. By the way, you remember those emergency meetings from the Norfolk MP we mentioned earlier? One of them had to be rescheduled. Guess why. That's right, Hallam's buddies at Just Stop Oil tried to hijack the first one with their childish shouting and screaming. Way to be part of the solution, guys. I'm having steak for dinner tonight because screw you and your authoritarian cult. Yeah, no. I'll have a double cheeseburger. Extra bacon. With a ribeye on the side. https://twitter.com/i/status/1764015164452466794 -- https://twitter.com/i/status/1763922263428981196 -- Lmao get bent. https://twitter.com/i/status/1764144250344681614 -- YUM. -- https://twitter.com/i/status/1763921706245333294 -- Aaaand fin. What she said.

Twitchy: Yeah, NO: Twitter Unloads on Just Stop Oil's Roger Hallam Telling Everyone to Stop Eating Meat

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