How to Increase Your Height Naturally With These 5 Foods

10 months ago

Every short person has said at some point in their lives that they would like to be taller for a variety of reasons, like being able to wear a wider range of clothes or wanting a more shapely physique.

The thing about height is that hormones and genetics play a major role in determining it.

If you are not happy with your height, there are still things you can do about it because your total stature can be affected by external factors including your food.

Check out the list of foods to include in your diet below if you are interested in becoming taller naturally.

A healthy consumption of foods that are nutrient rich will help stimulate height growth.

1. Incorporate Whole Grains: choosing to consume whole grains like oatmeal, will ensure that you are getting enough vitamin B, magnesium, and zinc which are vital for many of the body’s main processes.

Plus, whole grains have a decent amount of protein in them which makes them great for increasing muscle mass and aiding in heart health.

2. Jump on the Egg Bandwagon: eggs are one of those foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which provides numerous benefits to ones’ hair and skin.

You can eat up to three a day without having any adverse effects on your cholesterol levels.

The only other food that can give you a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids are certain types of fish, so if you don’t like eggs, then choose a fish oil supplement.

How do they help? They aid in the development of strong bones.

3. Try Stomaching Soybeans: you can consume these either in boiled, streamed, or baked form or choose to use soy milk or tofu.

They are an incredible food for those looking to up their protein intake as raw soybeans have over 35 grams of protein per 100 grams.

In addition to their protein count, they are a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and folates which your body needs to ensure healthy tissues.

They also aid in the density of bone mass, which you need in order to increase your height.

4. Consume a Moderate Amount of Dairy Products: items like milk and yogurt are a great way to ensure that you are getting enough of your vitamins.

Milk has a ton of vitamin B-12 and vitamin D as well as calcium and protein.

If you don’t like drinking milk, try yogurt as it too is rich in vitamin D, protein, and calcium.

Just make sure that you aren’t over-consuming too many sugars as a result of your dairy consumption.

5. Choose Vitamin Rich Fruits and Vegetables: when consuming vegetables, try to go for ones that are considered “leafy greens” as these are heavy in essential minerals like iron, and calcium, as well as heavy in vitamins A, C, and K.

They are also a really good source of folate.

You may also want to consume items like carrots, beans, spinach, and turnips as these not only boost growth hormones, but they are rich on the nutrient side which encourages growth.

The idea here is to consume a well-balanced diet that is rich in proteins, vitamins, and nutrients while maintaining a low sugar and caffeine profile.

If you want to go a step further, add in stretching exercises and yoga to help lengthen out the muscles as you encourage them to grow.

This will help ensure that you are maximizing the growth that you do obtain from eating a healthy palette.

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