March 3: A Day to Remember In History

1 year ago

March 3rd is a day to remember in history! From important events to famous events, this video highlights all the significant occasions that have taken place on this day throughout history. Get ready to learn some fascinating facts and expand your knowledge about March 3rd in history!

1634 1st tavern in Boston (Mass) opens (Samuel Cole)
1776 first US Marines landing on a hostile shore with approximately 210 Marines on a raid of Nassau in the Bahamas capturing the town, along with a large number of guns, mortars, and gun powder.
1791 marks the 1st US internal revenue act (taxing distilled spirits & carriages) as well as Congress establishing the US Mint
1820 Missouri Compromise passes, allowing Missouri to join the United States despite slavery still being legal there.
1837 Congress increases US Supreme Court membership from 7 to 9
1837 US President Andrew Jackson and Congress recognize the Republic of Texas
1845 Florida becomes 27th state of the Union
1845 For the first time the US Senate overrides presidential (Tyler) veto
1847 US Post Office Department is authorized to issue postage stamps
1849 Territory of Minnesota organizes
1849 US Home Department (later renamed the Department of the Interior) established by Congress
1863 1st US wartime military conscription bill enacted
1863 Abraham Lincoln approves charter for National Academy of Sciences
1865 US Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands established by Abraham Lincoln to help destitute free blacks
1869 University of South Carolina opens to all races
1873 US Congress enacts the Comstock Law, making it illegal to send any "obscene, lewd, or lascivious" books through the mail
1877 Rutherford B. Hayes takes the oath of office privately as official inauguration day falls on a Sunday
1879 1st female lawyer heard by US Supreme Court (Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood)
1883 Congress authorizes the 1st steel vessels in US navy
1885 US Congress passes Indian Appropriations Act (Indians wards of federal government)
1891 US Congress creates Courts of Appeal
1891 US Congress creates Office of Superintendent of Immigration (Treasury Dept) and the Office of Immigration
1893 US Congress authorizes 1st federal road agency, in Department of Agriculture
1901 US Congress creates National Bureau of Standards, in Department of Commerce

1903 North Carolina becomes 1st state requiring registration of nurses
1905 US Forest Service forms
1911 1st US federal cemetery with Union & Confederate graves opens, Missouri
1915 US National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) created, the predecessor of NASA
1923 Time magazine publishes 1st issue featuring Joseph G. Cannon (Speaker of US House of Representatives)
1931 "The Star-Spangled Banner" officially becomes US national anthem by congressional resolution; lyrics by Francis Scott Key in 1814, set to John Stafford Smith's 18th century tune "The Anacreontic Song”
1950 National-American Football League reverts to calling itself the NFL after 3 months
1955 Elvis Presley makes his 1st TV appearance on a broadcast of radio show "Louisiana Hayride”
1956 Elvis Presley's 1st hit in Billboard's top 10: "Heartbreak Hotel”
1959 1st US probe to enter solar orbit, Pioneer 4, launched
1980 1st nuclear submarine, USS Nautilus is decommissioned
1991 Iraqi generals and US general "Stormin' Norman" Schwarzkopf meet to discuss Gulf War cease fire
1991 Los Angeles police officers severely beat motorist Rodney King, the beating is famously captured on amateur video and later leads to riots when the police officers are acquitted
1992 US President George H. W. Bush apologizes for raising taxes after pledging not to
2013 A 2-year-old US girl becomes the first child born with HIV to be cured
2019 SpaceX's Dragon capsule successfully docks with the International Space Station during its demonstration run
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