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So Antifa New Black Klansman Wearing Hoodies Vs. White KKK Wearing Pointed Hats
New Black Klansman A Judge compares KKK violence and shootings by black youths did he overstep Some black leaders are pointing to nuances missed by a Tennessee judge who compared shootings by black youths to violence by the Ku Klux Klan. So Antifa New Black Klansman Wearing Hoodies w/ More Killing & Crime Vs. White Men's KKK Wearing Pointed Hats In The Past? So Below Is A List Of Every Black Video's Posted To This Channel And Are All True Videos About 600 Years Of Black History Today" So Stop Killing Each Other As Black On Black Crime Need To Stop Now In 2024. Let's United All Of Us Together, We Are The Power, We Are The True Masses. Its Time To Wake Up And United The World In Peace.
Distrust of black men in hoodies is endemic in the U.S.A. & UK. A new campaign aims to challenge these views and make visible the individuals underneath Young black men have told me that they often wear a hoodie with the hood up to anonymize themselves from what they see as a hostile, judgmental society.
Even if you are unpersuaded by the racial variation in stereotyping, there is a more significant disparity at play: white men have a more realistic means of escaping the image of a thug. There are so many black men and women I know who are doing great things, as fathers, mothers, doctors, nurses, city workers, sponsors and local councilors. But they fade from visibility today.
The images of black people that are most visible are those of the youth in a gang or the old man with white hair. There is not much clear sky in between.
Judge Wayne Shelton of Montgomery County made the comment during a Jan. 3 preliminary hearing for a 26-year-old man charged with murder, the Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle originally reported. The shooting allegedly stemmed from perceived disrespect at a basketball game.
“I grew up in a time where people wore white robes and they shot at black people,” Shelton said. “And now we see young black men wearing black hoodies shooting at black men—and doing much more effective job than the Klan ever thought about doing.”
In the past, Shelton said, the Klan would kill black people who were thought to be disrespectful.
“The Klan doesn’t exist anymore,” he said. “Who doesn’t care about black lives now? I’ll let you answer that. I’m tired of black men killing black men.”
Shelton later told the newspaper that he “might look like the whitest man in the room,” but he actually has an ancestor—his great-great-great-grandfather—who was a free man of color in the 1860s.
After the Leaf-Chronicle’s article got national attention, it followed up by interviewing local leaders for their reaction and by publishing an op-ed by a local minister.
Several people contacted said they thought Shelton’s intentions were good, and he has shown no malice toward black people. But some expressed reservations about Shelton’s comment.
Clarksville activist Terry McMoore said comparisons with Klan activity can minimize the Klan’s deeds. He called for “a more detailed dialogue about crime as a whole pertaining to all races instead of using popular terms like ‘black on black crime,’ which is known to have been created to generate fear about black people,” he said.
In his op-ed, Minister Joseph Bailey said he understands that Shelton probably was frustrated when he spoke. But “nothing is worse than what the KKK has done to the black community,” and the organization still exists, Bailey said.
To address the problem of black-on-black crime, the causes should be examined, Bailey said. One problem he identified is the lack of trust in law enforcement and the justice system. It’s caused partly by white police officers walking away without punishment after killing unarmed black men, he said.
A second problem is 1980s-era drug laws that “locked up a lot of fathers for life in prison in the black community,” Bailey wrote. “This systematically destroyed the black household.”
The mere existence of the KKK is enough cause for both alarm and questioning of our federal government as to why an outright racist, violently hateful organization has been allowed to exist for so long, but apparently, conservative media personality Tomi Lahren didn’t get that memo.
Lahren appeared on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Wednesday evening and when Noah shifted the conversation to her unfounded criticisms of the Black Lives Matter Movement, she foolishly tried to defend her tactic of describing the modern-day civil rights organization as “the new Ku Klux Klan.”
“When the Black Lives Matter movement is going out with signs saying ‘fry em like bacon’ and ‘f the police,’ and when they’re going out and saying, ‘if you see a White person, target them,’…that is happening, Trevor,” she said.
The most cringe-worthy moment of Lahren’s spiel came when she attempted to minimize the KKK’s violent history of racist attacks, inhumane murders and torture.
“So, when that now becomes the narrative and you’re starting to loot, burn and riot….what did the KKK do?” Lahren asked. Naturally, her bogus question was met with a barrage of ‘boos’ from the audience and a puzzled look from Noah himself.
In an effort to remind Tomi Lahren and anyone else who seems to be suffering from a slight case of amnesia with regard to the history of violent crimes committed by the KKK in America.
Antifa New Black Klansman Gun Violence Black Community Myths and Facts ?
Black people in the United States bear the brunt of the gun violence epidemic. Here are just a few facts to highlight the disproportionate impact gun violence takes on Black communities:
Each day on average, 30 Black Americans are killed by guns and more than 110 experience non-fatal injuries.
Black Americans experience 10 times the gun homicides of white Americans.
Black Americans are nearly three times more likely to be shot and killed by police as white Americans.
Black Americans experience 18 times the gun assault injuries of white Americans.
68 percent of Black Americans or someone they care for has experienced gun violence.
This disparity is the result of centuries of oppression and disinvestment. Gun homicides, assaults, and police shootings all occur at a disproportionate rate in historically underfunded communities. This underfunding is the result of past racist policymaking and perpetuates long-standing racial inequities.
Disproportionate rates of gun violence have also been exploited by the gun lobby and other bad actors who have pushed dangerous myths to spread fear and to advance a pro-gun agenda rather than invest in proven solutions like community violence intervention and victim support. Two of these myths are particularly pernicious.
Myth 1: “Black-on-Black Crime”
The racist myth of so-called “Black-on-Black crime,” suggests that there is a rampant crime problem within Black communities. It perpetuates the myth that interracial violence is specific to the Black community and that Black people are inherently violent—a myth that has been used to justify the mistreatment of Black people in the United States for centuries.
The suggestion that Black people are predisposed to violence dates as far back as 1896 when it was included in the first nationwide report on racial crime data. That report did not go unnoticed or unchallenged, as Jameelah Nasheed points out in this column: “[In response to that report, W.E.B.] Du Bois made two points that we’re still grappling with more than 120 years later: the different ways in which Black and white Americans are treated by our justice system, and the relationship between crime and the threat of poverty due to systemic racism.”
Data shows a clear connection between poverty and violent crime. And in the United States, poverty is inextricably linked to anti-Black racism and white supremacy. Because of centuries of racist policymaking and disinvestment, more Black people than white people live in poverty in the United States, but research has shown that Black and white people in poverty commit crimes at the same rate. In general, white people commit crimes against other white people at about the same rate as Black people do against other Black people. Despite the facts, no one ever decries the “white-on-white crime” problem.
The Black-on-Black crime myth is not just inaccurate, it is harmful. Beyond perpetuating anti-Black racism, it is used as a tool to dismiss or distract from calls for justice from the Black community. It is especially common in the aftermath of police shootings of Black people and in response to the rallying cry that Black lives matter. In this context, the myth serves to not only discredit the calls for justice and shift blame to the Black community, but also, at its worst, to justify police violence. As Jameelah Nasheed writes, “To call the fallacy of Black-on-Black crime anything other than anti-Black racism is an injustice in itself.” Read her full column on the Black on Black crime myth here.
Myth 2: Guns Make you Safer
The gun lobby claims that having a gun will make you safer. This myth isn’t unique to the Black community, but in recent years it has been used by militia and other gun groups to specifically target Black, Indigenous, and other people of color. These groups suggest that Black people must be armed to protect themselves because they can’t trust law enforcement and/or because they must be ready to defend themselves against racially-motivated violence. But the truth is, having a firearm actually increases an individual’s risk of injury or death. Defensive gun use is rare when compared with harmful gun use. It is far more likely that a firearm will be used in a suicide or unintentional shooting or that it will be stolen than that it will be effectively used for self defense. If more guns meant more safety, the United States would be the safest place in the world.
The good news is we know what works to prevent gun violence. For decades, Black leaders, community members, and local officials have been driving effective solutions to gun violence like violence interruption programs that engage people with lived experience to mediate conflicts and mentor young people who are most likely to be victims of perpetrators of gun violence. These programs need data and sustained funding to continue and expand their reach.
In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. This Information Is For Everyone To See The Real Truth Today. Thank You For Watching All Are Video's In 2024.
"So Now After All This Information Above We At This Channel Will Now Tell And Show You The Real Truth And Real Black History That Some Black People Will Not Tell You The Truth Ever And Or Will Lie To Its Own People About Its Own True History... So Below Is A List Of Every Black Video's Posted To This Channel And Are All True Videos About 600 Years Of Black History Today"
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, trust your instincts. You might have a great intuitive sense of honesty versus dishonesty. Learn to heed those gut feelings.
Disney Cartoon Demands Reparations And More With ‘Slaves Built This Country’ Song Disney has gone for woke yet again with a recent episode of the cartoon series “Proud Family” — which featured kids singing a song about reparations that America “owes” to black Americans and about how “slaves built this country.”
Disney Kids Slaves Built This Country The Proud Family - Black, Yellow, White, Brown Etc. -
It's a Woke World After All - What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
Claudette Colvin (born September 5, 1939) is an American nurse and was a pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. On March 2, 1955, she was arrested at the age of 15 in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman on a crowded, segregated bus. Colvin acted a few months before the more widely known incident in which Rosa Parks, secretary of the local chapter of the NAACP, played the lead role, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott that began that year.
Claudette Colvin- the Girl who Came Before Rosa Parks Civil Rights Movement.
Colvin was among the five plaintiffs originally included in the federal court case filed by civil rights attorney Fred Gray on February 1, 1956, as Browder v. Gayle, to challenge bus segregation in the city. She testified before the three-judge panel that heard the case in the United States District Court. On June 13, 1956, the judges determined that the state and local laws requiring bus segregation in Alabama were unconstitutional. The case went to the United States Supreme Court on appeal by the state, and it upheld the District Court ruling on December 17, 1956. Colvin was the last witness to testify. Three days later, the Supreme Court issued an order to Montgomery and the state of Alabama to end bus segregation, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott was called off.
For many years, Montgomery's black leaders did not publicize Colvin's pioneering effort. She was an unmarried teenager at the time, and was reportedly pregnant by a married man. Colvin has said, "Young people think Rosa Parks just sat down on a bus and ended segregation, but that wasn't the case at all." Her case helped pave the way.
Nana Akua Black Lives Matter Is A Scam Say Kanye West And Glossary of Woke Terms -
Nana Akua Video Black Lives Matter Is A Scam Say Kanye West called the Black Lives Matter movement a “scam” after wearing a White Lives Matter shirt to his surprise Yeezy fashion show. “Everyone knows that Black Lives Matter was a scam now it’s over you’re welcome,” he wrote on his Instagram Story Tuesday morning.
Black Sex Slave Fight For Sexual Justice During Reconstruction Female Slave Owners -
Why is America the greatest country in the world ? America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. He then gives a litany of factual reasons why. America lags other nations in the world in a large number of areas, from infant mortality and crime rates to median income and gross domestic product per capita. Politicians, doctors, public policymakers, economists and academics have tried to narrow these gaps for years. Did Obama really say, "they bring a knife we bring a gun" without getting impeached ? Yes, and even crazier, Teddy Roosevelt was never impeached for carrying a big a stick. Most people, even now, know the difference between literal and figurative speech. Largely Slave, they have been unsuccessful.
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 41st US Congress Sold Out the Republic -
It was February 21, 1871 that the 41st US Congress sold out the Republic. On this date, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." Also known as the "Act of 1871." Congress, illegally acting on it's own behalf, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.
Your Momma Sold You Into Slavery ? Who owns your citizenship you or your government -
Your Momma Sold You Into Slavery ? - Who owns your citizenship you or your government? We’re just getting warmed up and already the government is telling you that they own you. Most people only have one citizenship, issued by whatever governing body happens to be in charge of the patch of dirt they were born on. And governments encourage you to keep it that way.
Truth about the White Slave Trade Forgotten History From the 1500s to the 1840s -
The story of slavery is more complicated than you’ve been told because he who controls the flow of information controls people. Did you know that over 7,000,000 white slaves were shipped to the Middle East and North Africa between 1500 and 1900? Why has their story been culturally erased?
The Barbary pirates of North Africa attacked the coastal northern Mediterranean launching attacks against Britain, France, Italy and Sicily. In their feverish search for slaves a few pirates even went as far as the coast of Iceland, raiding inland to kidnap people and bring them back to North Africa.
From the 1512s to the 1840s it is estimated that over seven million white Europeans, to include those captured at sea as well as through land raids abroad were enslaved. Many of these were Americans captured at sea.
White and Other European Slaves in the Slave Market of the Ottoman Empire -
The Ottoman penetration into Europe in the 1350s and their capture of Constantinople later in 1453 opened new floodgates for slave-trade from the European front. In their last attempt to overrun Europe in 1683, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 captives.
Breeding Slaves and Hidden Secret of Reproducing Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Is True ! -
Constitution 101 Course - Black Slave Total 4.4 million Population in the United States -
Examine the history of slavery in America by looking at the complex, and often hypocritical views of slavery by the Founding Fathers and slavery’s relationship with America’s founding documents. National Constitution Center, explains how the Constitution and its amendments and the Declaration of Independence have been used as tools for abolition and civil rights throughout American history.
Modern perceptions of early modern slavery associate the institution almost solely with Africans and their descendants. Yet slavery was a ubiquitous institution in the early modern world. Africans, Asians, Europeans, and Native Americans kept slaves before and after Columbus reached America.
Black. White. Asian. American Indian. Pacific Islander. For much of the nation’s history, America has discussed race in the singular form. But the language of race is changing. This evolution reflects the central role of slavery in America’s past and the arrival of different immigrant from all over the world ?
History of California Blacks Nation Califians/Khalifians True Aboriginals of California -
History of California Blacks Nation Califians/Khalifians True Aboriginals of California History about the first true Americans has been manipulated and influenced by Europeans for hundreds of year. Today, these lies in history continue to be told in History books across the country. Information about African history has always been limited Spaniards, of course, were hardly the first to discover this land of wonder and extremes.
The Origins of Lynching Culture in the United States in the South Documents Area -
Lynching's took place in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, most commonly in Southern states and Western frontier settlements and most frequently in the late 19th century. They were often performed by self-appointed commissions, mobs, or vigilantes as a form of punishment for presumed criminal offences. From 1883 to 1941 there were 4,467 victims of lynching. Of these, 4,027 were male, and 99 female. 341 were of unknown gender, but are assumed to be likely male. In terms of ethnicity; 3,265 were black, 1,082 were white, 71 were Mexican or of Mexican descent, 38 were American Indian, ten were Chinese, and one was Japanese. At the first recorded lynching, in St. Louis in 1835, a Black man named McIntosh who killed a deputy sheriff while being taken to jail was captured, chained to a tree, and burned to death on a corner lot downtown in front of a crowd of over 1,000 people.
Black Kings and Queens the Rulers of England From 1603/1901 Historians Never Talk? -
So Moorish and Black Kings and Queens the Rulers of England and Europe From 1603/1901 You may have heard of these England and European Emperors, Kings and Queens, but did you know that they were Black ? So England /American after 1776? So Slavery Trade began 400 years ago this month. Started by Black King James I and VI of Scotland 1603 -1625 signed into law by this king ? This is referred to as the country’s original sin, but it is more than that It is the country’s true origin. Ancient Europe is not what we've been taught. Many things have been whitewashed, especially its ancient History. Here are some facts that you probably didn't know. President Abraham Lincoln, the Melungeon or Tawny Moor was the President of the United States. As President, he has to balance the Moorish side and the European side.
King James 1566-1625 The Black King Who Had The Bible Translated Into English -
King James, was the 1st King of England born 1566-1625 and he was the first to rule Scotland and Northern Island at the same time. In 1603 he commissioned a scholars to have the bible translated into English and make it available to all English speaking people throughout the world. It’s a little known fact that he was a Black man who ruled these countries in Europe. During his time he was though to be one of if not the greatest leader of his time. King James, a Black Man.
King James I of England and VI of Scotland, 1619. James (1566-1625) acceded to the Scottish throne in 1567, and to the English throne in 1603 on the death of Elizabeth I. He was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots and Henry, Lord Darnley. James, an educated and able king, desired to bring peace to war-torn Europe. He is probably best remembered for commissioning an English translation of the bible, published in 1611, and still known as the King James Bible.
Historical Context Facts about the Slave Trade and Slavery. King James 1566-1625 So Black King Who Had The Bible Translated Into English also Signed The First Charter for the New World in 1619 Black Slave Trade and Slavery. (Yes a Black Man and King)
The Middle Passage was dangerous and horrific. The sexes were separated; men, women, and children were kept naked, packed close together; and the men were chained for long periods. About 12 percent of those who embarked did not survive the voyage.
Well over 90 percent of enslaved Africans were sent to the Caribbean and South America. Only about 6 percent of African captives were sent directly to British North America. Yet by 1825, the US population included about one-quarter of the people of African descent in the Western Hemisphere.
The 1619 Project (Slave Trade and Slavery. Black King James 1566-1625) is a long-form journalism endeavor developed by Nikole Hannah-Jones, writers from The New York Times, and The New York Times Magazine which "aims to reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of the United States' national narrative.
Black Monarchs of the British Isles, Pt.1 Until 1603 English and Scottish Crowns were Separate -
The purpose of this video is to expose the truth behind the appearances of the noble stocks of Britain and Scotland. As we do in every video, we will provide evidence based from texts, and use analysis based on visual aids and imagery.
Until 1603 the English and Scottish Crowns were separate, although links between the two were always close - members of the two Royal families intermarried on many occasions. Following the Accession of King James VI of Scotland as King James I of England to the English Throne, a single monarch reigned in the United Kingdom.
Black Monarchs of the British Isles, Pt.2 Until 1603 English and Scottish Crowns were Separate -
First Black/Moorish Presidential Candidate and Later Becoming President Abraham Lincoln -
President Abraham Lincoln Has Done More For Melaninated People Than Any Civil Rights Leader Will Ever Do - First Black/Moorish President Is Abraham Lincoln Moorish definition, of or relating to the Moors, a Muslim people of NW Africa. Moor, in English usage, a Moroccan or, formerly, a member of the Muslim population of al-Andalus, now Spain and Portugal. Of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Amazigh (Berber) origins.
Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official holiday on October 3rd, 1863, so he is the greatest President of all time. (And he did some other stuff like outlawing slavery and presiding over the U.S. government through a civil war.) He was also our first Black/Moorish President.
President Abraham Lincoln, the Melungeon or Tawny Moor is a dark-skinned native of a non-European land was the President of the United States. As President, he has to balance the Moorish side and the European side. This is one government with two jurisdictions; which is hard for some people to see or understand, however the one dollar bill, known today as the One Dollar Federal Note shows this clearly on the back, however you will have to know symbolism, history and the founding of this one government with two jurisdiction to understand that. The Union is older than the “recent” United States Constitution. However the recent United States Constitution is a continuation from the Union. Hence the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution stating “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..”. This Union was made up of Moors and European sons through the Articles of Association in 1774. The Moors was the majority of that Union. Not only were Moors the majority of the Union, Moors were the ones who help to form the current United States Constitution and all the previous Constitutions.
Black Lynching Black Culture ? Real Genocide Black Race Abortions in America Sad ? -
Let’s talk about black-on-black violence and abortions over 500,000+ dead each year... and you are only mad about Lynching ? I Do Not Understand This ? - So Total Number is under 5,000 Lynching's took place in the United States From 1883 to 1941 there were 4,467 victims of lynching. Of these, 4,027 were male, and 99 female. 341 were of unknown gender, but are assumed to be likely male. In terms of ethnicity; 3,265 were black, 1,082 were white, 71 were Mexican or of Mexican descent, 38 were American Indian, ten were Chinese, and one was Japanese.
Genocide Black Abortions in America Abortion kills 1,000 black babies every day in America. Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue. Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.
In 2019, black women had 38.4% of all abortions in the U.S., despite African-Americans comprising only 13.4% of the total population.
In Michigan, black women make up only about 14% of Michigan’s female population, but they had 55.6% of all abortions reported in the state in 2021.
During February, which is Black History Month, it is a good time to look upon the triumphs and tragedies in African American history. Movies like Harriet tell of heroes of the Underground Railroad and the struggle against slavery. It is good to honor those stories.
Thousands of people are killed each year in this country. When the victim and perpetrator are black people call this “black-on-black crime.” The last full year of data that is available from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports and their National Incident-Based Reporting System is 2018. According to the FBI, 15,498 people were murdered in the US in 2018, down from 16,499 in 2017. Racial data is available on only 14,123 (91.1%) of those murdered in 2018.
Of the 14,123 victims, 9,066 cases are listed as Not Hispanic or Latino; 2,173 are listed as Latino or Hispanic; 6,088 are listed as White; 7,407 as Black; 395 as other race; and 1,840 are listed as unknown race. This is problematic because it is impossible to discern how many of the victims listed as “white” are actually Hispanic/Latino. Hispanic/Latino is an ethnic group not a racial group according to the government’s definition.
Anarchy U.S.A. 1964-1984-2026 Tidbits of Suppressed Information 4 New World Order -
Anarchy USA is a 1966 film by G. Edward Griffin (author, film maker, and conspiracy theorist ?) claiming that civil rights movements during the 1960s, in the U.S. and abroad, where communist revolutionary attempts to infiltrate and over-through capitalist democracies. Age restricted for disturbing content and gruesome depictions of dismembered bodies. You have been warned.
A remarkable examination of the forces behind the Civil Rights Movement in 1960’s America. Drawing parallels between successful communist insurrections in China, Cuba, and Algeria; “Anarchy USA” attempts to convince its audience that revolutionary communism was using the noble fight for civil rights to foment racial tension and overthrow the US government. A treasure trove of rare archival footage from America’s most traumatic period of social upheaval. Featuring Ahmed Ben Bally, Julia Brown, Charles De Gaulle, Martin Luther King.
Terror Slavery Chronicles & Other Woman Escapes Sexual Slavery Auction ** GRAPHIC ** -
So Terror Slavery Groups ISIS and U.S.A. and Others Wide World Groups Now Has Sex Slave Rape and Death Guidelines and Slavery Chronicles and There is maps of underground sex-slave bars in the American. Always fascinated by the concept of human slavery and how it worked. (So far I've have seen over 60,000+ ISIS or Muslim and Others auction-block sex slave ad) How was it own a human and see him/her as just a property. How was it to be owned, right-less by law, being bought and sold side by side to other animals.
Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws -
Simplified Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws. Your Birth Certificate Means You Have Been Bonded As A Slave. When a child is born, the hospital sends the original, not a copy, of the record of live birth to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, sometimes called the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). Each STATE is required to supply the UNITED STATES with birth, death, and health statistics. The STATE agency that receives the original record of live birth keeps it and then issues a Birth Certificate in the corrupted, ALL-CAPS version of the baby’s true name, i.e. JANE DOE SMITH, not Jane Doe Smith. or JOHN DOE SMITH, not John Doe Smith.
Meet Your Strawman ? Your Birth Certificate Is Worth Millions ? Swindled by U.S.A. -
The story of how everyone has a strawman or strawwoman or strawtransgene so i hope everyone is happy now. it's created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government. A fun and informative animation made in the spirit of freedom. Meet your ‘strawman and woman’ – the fake ‘you’ the government creates in your name to control you and how you can stop it.
Black's Is White's Law Dictionary and Read Secret Canons of Judicial Miss-Conduct Info. -
Rules Professional Responsibility course about various provisions of the Code of Judicial Conduct. This is a quick overview that hits the highlights. Video Is Good... You Can Read Court Laws and Secret Canons of Judicial Conduct Law Info. Below:
Facts About Slavery Never Mentioned By Antifa/Black Lives Matter In School Lesson -
The Irish were slaves too; slaves had it better than Northern factory workers; black people fought for the Confederacy; and other lies, half-truths, and irrelevancies. A certain resistance to discussion about the toll of American slavery isn’t confined to the least savory corners of the Internet.
History of Deadliest Prison and Street Gangs United States and Your Gun Right Laws -
No matter how strict you make gun laws a criminal will always be a criminal and a criminal with a gun or without a gun, will always break the law. I don’t believe the lies they are trying to feed you they don’t work. In this video, we're going to take a look at the history of gangs and the deadliest street gangs in the world. We'll explore the role gangs have played in different parts of history, and we'll look at some of the most notorious prison gangs in the world.
Human Zoos America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism and The Worlds Fair's -
Human Zoos tells the shocking story of how thousands of indigenous peoples were put on public display in America in the early decades of the twentieth century. The harmful exhibition and practices displaying humans that are known today as “Human Zoos” took place for centuries, and their impact can still be seen today. Colonial exhibitions and fairs, circuses, zoos, and museums all took part in exhibiting people from across the world that were deemed other and, thus, curious to observe by white masses that deemed themselves superior and more civilized.
Obama, Pelosi, Waters, Squad of 4 Said Today - Trump In Jail - No Bail - A Gag Order -
First Federal Rule. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan district attorney In My Opinion Is President Donald Trump a Flight Risk and More Charges To Be Filed & Trump In Jail 20 Years "If Not May He Rest In Peace" Did Obama really say, "they bring a knife we bring a gun" without getting impeached?
Speech On Human Trafficking Before United State Congress and Child Sex Tourism -
Sex tourism is the practice of traveling to foreign countries, often on a different continent, with the intention of engaging in sexual activity or relationships in exchange for money or lifestyle support. It predominantly operates in countries where sex work is legal but there are countries where laws prohibit it. Human trafficking occurs on an international, national, and local level. Whether you live in a small town or a large city, human trafficking can be happening in your own backyard or apartment building.
Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old -
In A Secrets Meeting Per U.S.A. New Sharia Law Rules 2022 and Kids Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Rules 2023 Kids Can Now Start At Age 8 Yrs. Old Puberty Blockers Drugs Per President Joe Biden's Administration has confirmed that the legal age of consent for sex and marriage will be lowered to 8 yrs old starting February 16th. 2023 During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated ‘We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.’ He then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. Puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and AFABs and New Age of Consent, specifically one young person's question about whether or not to wait until she reaches to have sex, is complicated.
Comparison Most Hated People And U.S.A. Politicians And Civil Rights Leaders Too. -
Reasons for hate spans in several different things that are inexplicable and is dependent and determined mainly on the personalities of different people and its interaction with each other.
Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa Men AK-47 Assault Weapons Kid-Friendly Drag Show -
Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa is the armed militia of the Democratic Party and is back in force extremists protect Texas drag show for very young children Aug 30, 2022 Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah 2023?. Yes, this happened in Texas U.S.A. Scorecard reports: Over the weekend, the DFW-area Anderson Distillery and Grill hosted an “all ages welcome” drag show.
Frontline Antifa White Supremacist Black American Genocide And Brutal Mass Killing -
Genocide Black Abortions in America Abortion Kills 1,000 Black Babies Every Day in America. Abortion is not just a Woman’s Issue. It’s a Human Rights Issue. Abortion is the Number One Killer and Mass Murder of Black Lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Abortion Kills More Black People than HIV, Homicide, Diabetes, Accident, Cancer, and Heart Disease … Combined. An All-Black Group is Arming itself and demanding change. They are the NFAC When two loud bangs rang out on the streets of Lafayette, Louisiana, no one knew where the gunshots came from as protesters gathered to demand justice for another Black man killed by police.
Now 6 Million Strong Men-Trans-Woman Armed Antifa/NFAC Men Assault Weapons -
Trans-Woman Armed Antifa/NFAC ? Gun-Toting Trans-gender Woman who has become the face of the 'Day of Vengeance' organized by trans activists after Nashville massacre is 'former Soldier' Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa is the armed militia of the Democratic Party and is back in force extremists protect Texas drag show for very young children Aug 30, 2022 An All-Black Group Arming itself and demanding change - NWO Among the crowd was a group of armed Black men and women who call themselves the "Not (Fu*king) Messing Around Coalition" or NFAC. The group did not run toward the gunshots or break formation. Instead, they kneeled on the ground amid the confusion, and then walked away after their leader shouted, "fall back! fall back!" The all-Black, Atlanta-based group has grown in size out of frustration during a summer of protests against questionable policing and the deaths of countless Black people at the hands of police, said their founder John Fitzgerald Johnson.
A Gun Owner And Racist Whoopi Goldberg Wants a Constitutional Amendment Etc. -
Whoopi Goldberg born Karen (Caryn) Elaine Johnson; November 13, 1955) She-He-Trans Militant Democrat Whoopi Goldberg Revolutionary Actions Group of the New Klan called Armed Antifa who have AR-15 and AK-47 Assault Weapons and other radical racists are explored is an American comedienne, actress, democrat political activist, writer and television host. Although Goldberg made her film debut in the avant-garde ensemble semi-porn film at the time.
Whoopi Goldberg Why Blacks Killing Blacks African Americans Are Taking Up Arms -
Racist Whoopi Goldberg Wants To Disarming All America and want to destroy the very foundation of freedom that our country was built upon. Because we have more guns than people, we are immediately, categorically different than how you disarm other countries too. Semi-Porn Film Star And Now Militant Democrat Whoopi Goldberg Revolutionary Actions Group of the New Klan called Armed Antifa who have AR-15 and AK-47 Assault Weapons and other radical racists are explored is an American. Whoopi Goldberg Said with a few exceptions for human trafficking and pedophile and gangs and sex and drug cartels and any and all other criminal organization. we must disarming all other all over the world now.
Pedophile "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez" Satan Worship Religious Freedom Argument Who? -
Pedophile Multimillionaire Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s Its Heritage Not Hate Real History... Who ? Women Who ? Ku Klux Klan Women Who ? Women Of All Race's Who ? Less Racist the South gets, the more Republican it becomes.
So Slavery Is Over ? So With Your Freedom ? You Kill & Rape Each Other No Go Zone -
RACE, CRIME, RAPE, ABORTION, AND INCARCERATION IN THE UNITED STATES Race, crime, and incarceration have long been linked in the United States. This page explores its various manifestations including African American participation in organized crime including in particular the rise of gangs and gang violence, African Americans and the prison system, its impact on black life, and the people and organizations engaged in challenging and changing that system. As with our pages on Black Lives Matter and Racial Violence in the United States, we are constantly updating and invite you to make suggestions on other examples that should be included.
In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Most Evil Christians In World King James Bible 1611 -
In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history,” asked a conservative and have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ?
Corrupt Organizations Part One Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History -
The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest democratic party police force terrorist group in the United States. This secret society, created in 1865, has survived throughout the decades and has always managed to rise from its ashes. It has been making the news for over 150 years. 150 years of hatred, racism and horror. A cruel history whose demons still haunt America.
Corrupt Organizations Part Two Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History -
Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting the same result. It is so weird, I was writing this sentence right as Candace said this exact same thing!!! Wow, I'm just kinda freaked because it was the exact moment I finished the sentence. It's so true though. The extremist liberal thinking is getting old and not working. Intreresting that she mentions Maxine Waters said God Bless Blacks Killing Blacks, living outside the district she represents, in a 6 million dollar mansion. I have to wonder how she was able to afford that 6 million dollar mansion and how and why she doesn't live in the district she was elected to represent.
Largest Black Genocide Supremacist Group In U.S.A. Is The Black Ku Klux Klan Itself -
Largest Black Ku Klux Klan Party And Largest Genocide Black Supremacist Group In U.S.A. Is Blacks Democrats Killing Blacks Democrats With Mass Abortion Millions Black Baby Killed A Year and its true the democrats party police who supported the Ku Klux Klan are killings blacks today. This is the conscious act of millions blacks mother killing blacks baby's who are killing a human black life or a being inside the womb of the black mother, resulting in the death of the black embryo or a black fetus.
Black Genocide So End Of The Black Race U.S.A. Black Marry Fat White Women Only -
So End Of The Black Race U.S.A. Black Marry Fat White Women Only Beauty of Black Men Being With White Women Things I Love and Hate About It Genuine question here, why is it that black men go for the bigger blond white girl and women. Every black guy I know is in a relationship with a big white girl or very fat white women.
New Black Panther Party Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club Black Liberation Movement -
An armed coalition of Black self-defense groups including New Black Panther Party, Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club, and the Black Liberation Movement rallied Saturday throughout Gulfport, Mississippi for Jaheim McMillan, a 15-year-old shot last month by police.
Armed Black Lives Matter Activists And Other All-Wing Groups Antifa Come Together -
Armed with AR-15 and AK-47 Etc. Black Lives Matter activists and all-left-right-wing groups with Antifa come together for open carry Death To America March in united show of support of the 2nd Amendment and A Black and White Genocide Supremacist Group of Black Ku Klux Klan Itself In U.S.A.
Per U.S.A. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail -
Per U.S.A. Government DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Everyone In U.S.A. All Person And Or America Citizens Right Now Today Is A Criminal As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per all federal and local police and all government agencies. All The America People Break The Law's Average 3 Times Everyday with A Average Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to $512 x 365 days in a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per every person alive today right now.
Why Most America Want And Vote For Democratic Socialism Vs. Communism in USA -
Why Most America Want And Keep Vote For A Democratic Socialism Vs. Communism In USA Socialism and Communism both place much value on creating a more equal society and removing class privilege. The biggest difference between them is that socialism is compatible with liberty and democracy, while communism depends on an authoritarian state to create an “equal society” that denies basic liberties. Political Independents Who They Are, What They Think. ?
New World Order National Anthem The Ostrich Lyrics By Steppenwolf 1968 A.C.E. ! -
Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America and New World Order National Anthem "The Ostrich" Lyrics in 1968 A.C.E. Yes The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy.
Black Chicago Is Open City Residents Not Happy Move Stage Against Democrat Party -
We People's Republic Of America Declared Its An Sanctuary Cities You Ain't Black U Not Vote 4 Me. Congressional Black Caucus and Lori Elaine Lightfoot and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic leader "Squad," a group of color, including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley with Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden and ex-President's Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Others.
This Is Pure Form Of Evil Earth Congressional Black Caucus & Squad Members U.S.A. -
This Is The Pure Form Of Hate & Evil Of Earth Today And A Real True Racist Group Is The Congressional Black Caucus & Other Squad Members Hate U.S.A. Today. Planning For Sharia Law In The USA And Islamic State Rules And Laws For Everyone Who Alive Now. And To Forced Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States Per Sharia Law in the 20th Century. Paid For and Pre Planned Pro-Palestinian Protests at Harvard and 100's Other University Is To Be Paid As Planned.
Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem & Tens Millions Immigrants Policy -
In Congress, 50+ million people worldwide in modern slavery I am committed to doing all I can to help the over 96 million undocumented immigrations living in the United States in the last 30 years come out of the shadows and get access to rights and privileges they deserve. Just as importantly, we cannot or maybe we can continue to ignore the plight of migrants and refugees. Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem & Tens Millions Immigrants Sex Slave And Workers For Sell Policy.
Hey Man USA-Mexico Border Is Closed-Border Is Secure-We Our A Sanctuary Cities -
Hey Man So Let's Be Crystal Clear Right Now At A Satanic Meeting Jan. 06 2024 & Said President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. My Fellow Pedophile's Americans And Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Elite Pedophile Of The World” has reverberated throughout America.
My Woke White African American Daughter Believes She Is Caucasian Who Is Racist -
My Woke White African American Daughter Believes She Is Caucasian Who Is A Loving Racist Young Woman In Her Heart And Is Very Beautiful Person In Life Too. So Why Is Dr. Phil Not Talking About A Need To Believe All Women. In Other Words, Allow Yourself To Believe That Women Are Just As Trustworthy As Men Have Been Believed To Be For Decades.
NAACP Only White Leader Rachel Dolezal She Identify As Black Trans Woman Today -
This Highlights A Good Point White Rachel Dolezal So I Identify As Black. You can’t do a spray tan and curl your hair and think that’s all it takes to be black. Similarly, being a woman isn’t boiled down to throwing on a red lip and a pretty dress. You can play dress up all you want, but you can never truly become something you are not. Self acceptance and self love is what everyone needs.
Real Numbers 2 Million Migrant Ghost Gang In U.S.A. No Jail Time-No Migrant Crisis -
UN Agenda 21 & UN Agenda 2030 Death To America As Planned... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... Help I've Fallen and America Can't Get Up? So Far 31 Million Migrant Let Into U.S.A. As Planned... And Now Mixed In With 2 Million+ Migrant Ghost Gang In U.S.A. No Jail Time And No Migrant Crisis At ALL ! So Investigation Of 1,000 Gangs Results In No Arrests Or Arrested And Let Go And Seizure Of More Than 6,900+ Ghost Guns So Far.
Black Keep Voting White Supremacy To Barack Obama The History Democratic Party -
So How Come Black People Still Keep Voting For White Supremacy Democratic Party is the longest-existing political party in the US, and arguably the world. But in its over 180 year existence, it's completed a remarkable ideological and geographic transformation.
How White Nazi Keep Voting Went From Lincoln To Trump History Republican Party -
So How Come White People Still Keep Voting For Nazi Republican Party. Today’s Republican Party opposes big government. It’s culturally conservative. Its demographic support is strongest among white voters, and it usually dominates elections in the South.
NY Attorney General Letitia James Speaks 100s Other Real Estate Dealings Is Fraud -
The People's Republic Of New York City Attorney General Letitia James Has A Long History Of Fighting Trump And Other Powerful Company In New York City And Now That Trump Is Going Paying Millions Dollars... So Now To Be Fair By The People's Republic Of New York City Laws 1000s Other Real Estate Company and 1000s Dealings... Also defrauded banks, insurers and others by exaggerating the value of assets on paperwork used for deals and securing loans.
Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -
WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --
New Mandate Law To Force All U.S.A. Female To Get Sex Genital Mutilation Survivors -
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a non-medical procedure that involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia. It is most often carried out on young girls between infancy and age 15 and has no health benefits for girls and women, causing severe bleeding and problems urinating, cysts, infections as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths.
Emergency Childbirth 1961 US Navy Vintage Educational Film ** GRAPHIC ** -
Maternity Care (US Navy, 1963) Vintage Educational Film ** GRAPHIC ** -
Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration -
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -
Why Federal Police, State Police, Local Police Some Are Bad This Federal Propaganda -
Why Are Police In The USA So Terrified? What’s the difference between Federal Police, State Police, and Local Police? This video will answer that question for you!
We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now -
U.S.A. Drug Enforcement Administration & Department of Justice With Help From FBI & CIA & Local Police And Sheriff Dept. All Over U.S.A. Our Killing Thousands America Citizens Right Now Today. No One Is A Missing Person At All. If You Get Pulled Over By Police States In A Car Or Truck With Money You Have A 20% Change You Will Be Killed For The Money Or Sold As A Sex Slave. This Statement Is No Joke At All... You Will Be Killed By U.S.A. Government And Yes This Is Real Information From New World Order Today.
Reports suggest that the government has lost track of 85,000 sex slave and migrant children, and some of them are dead now and many have been forced into sex labor in the U.S. The Biden administration has allowed 250,000 and sold unaccompanied minors to cross the southern border in the last two years, and at least 85,000+ of these children have gone missing under their watch real numbers are closer to 132,000+ sold by U.S.A. Government. The Biden Pedophile's Administration has been accused of killing and rape children presiding over the abuse of these unaccompanied minors in federal facilities for years, and local communities are left in the dark about the minors' length of stay or their fate once released. Congress is investigating this issue, and hearings are expected to be part of a series of congressional efforts.
U.S.A. Government & Police States Are Seizing Tens Of Billions U.S. Money And Killing Of Thousands People Our Killed Or Missing Or Dead And All The Money Is Gone Now. Highway robbery with badges. That is what Empyreal Logistics, a national armored car company, has been the victim of multiple times within the last year. Five times, drivers with the company have been pulled over for flimsy reasons with officers seizing the cash they were transporting on behalf of customers a total of three times.
Per DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Every U.S.A. Person Or America Citizens Right Now Today As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per federal and local agencies. All The America People Break The Law Ave. 3 Times Everyday with A Ave. Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to 512 x 365 days a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per person right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.
However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone with violating some long-forgotten regulation and pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A..
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