Understanding the Geopolitical Dynamics Shaping the Middle East (From Khazaria to Present)

1 year ago

What do events that took place in the 9th century surrounding the kingdom of Khazaria have to do with the fires now being waged between Palestine and Israel? More than you think...

1) The Forgotten Jewish-Christian-Muslim Alliance and China’s Silk Road https://risingtidefoundation.net/2021...

2) The Shocking Truth about the Khazarian Mafia myth, the Rothschilds and Manifest Destiny https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/04/1...

3) Who Really Created the Middle East Terror Apparatus? https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/w...

4) Charlemagne and the Ecumenical Principle (online book) by Pierre Beaudry

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